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Wow, I should have bought that tool years ago!


New Member
Jul 18, 2007
South Texas
For years I always wonered if i would have use for an air chisel, I bought a $6 one from harbor freight, it's pretty handy. Also my DA sander...what a gem!!


Feb 27, 2002
;D where do i start...

flexible magnet
engine hoist
pitman arm puller - cutting them off sucks!
air hammer
good flashlight
assorted picks
a nice roomy toolbox
large assortment of sockets and wrenches - ive kinda got a part time hobby of collecting snap on tools, so my assortment is pretty big:cool:


Sr. Member
Nov 5, 2007
Northern, Illinois
rednck21, being the simpleton that I am, everytime I see your avatar I'm hypnotized by it.

Ok back to the tools.
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Sr. Member
Aug 10, 2004
Come on man, think, man..think!!

After YEARS of wanting one, my wife bought me a Drill Doctor for Xmas! There is nothing worse than having to fight with a dull drill bit. I've since sharpened every drill bit I own and can't be happier!!!;D


Bronco Kineticist
Apr 29, 2004
My "must have" tool is what I refer to as my 2nd Saviour.
It's my 4 1/2" grinder.

I've cut off so much metal and bolts with that thing while taking apart 3 Broncos that I think I could take apart the Golden Gate bridge with one and about 1,000,000 cut off disks.

A must have for prettying up welds too, also put a wire wheel on for removing scale and rust.
Damn! It's just about a perfect tool.

I agree. It is the most used and valuable tool that I have. I remember when I first got it, I didn't think that I would use it much. Talk about being dead wrong.

Gummi Bear

Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Pry Bars - For years, I used any piece of junk laying around for one, and always had hell. A buddy put me up to buying a set, so I did, and I use them all the time.

Air Chisel - as mentioned before, I'd never used one either. Another good buddy told me to try his out for some work I was doing, I had to have one after that. I decided to spring for a IR, and I'm really glad I did.

3/8" Impact - I've had a 1/2" for years, and I just bought a cheap 3/8" to try out, now I'm in the market for a good IR or similar 3/8. I use it more than my air ratchet by far. It's just so damn useful.

Ratchet Straps - Not only good for holding loads down in the truck, I use them in the shop all the time too. I work alone, most of the time, so I get creative with how to hold parts up, aside, or in place. If it weren't for them, there would probably be a redneck joke about my obituary...

Pen and Paper - Not what anyone expected, huh? My mind goes 100MPH all the time, and if I don't carry around a notebook and pen, I forget a lot of great ideas. I also can't remember a measurement to cut something when I walk from the Bronc to the saw, I have to write stuff down. It also helps me keep up with parts needed lists, to-do lists, and sometimes I just need to draw a picture to see if my idea will work.

Classic Broncos.com - Seriously. Those of you who have been fooling around with Broncos as long (and in many cases longer) than I have, know what I mean. I used to get only the Toms, Duffy's and K Bar S catalogs, and all other info was just left up to the imagination or someone's second hand experience. I can't describe how much I've learned from here, or thank any of y'all enough for your information and input.


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
that might be a tad expensive there chuck... might want to think twice ;)
you could end up very well living in the shop, or at least your half of it....
Just kidding about Debbie, she is my #1 but there is a lot of close #2', all of them tools:)


Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2003
I spent the 100.00 on a set of crow feet for brake lines on the prop valve. holy crap!!! not bad on the ps box either. I think my favorites are the pullers and pushers though. The u-joint/ball joint press is a must. A nice 2 jaw puller comes in handy as does a steering wheel puller and a ps pump pulley puller/pusher.


Sr. Member
Nov 5, 2007
Northern, Illinois


Sr. Member
Nov 18, 2004
So far would have to be an Engine Hoist. The fold up ones. It is a second person to me. It helps get things in and out of the truck and move things around. Once it pulled about 10 fence posts out. So glad I got it.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2003
Leesburg, VA
Without a question my "most used" tool is my 4.5" Dewalt angle grinder. I have used this thing for what seems like 100's of hours and it is still going strong. Anything that doesn't come off easily gets cut and ground. I have replaced 2/3 the sheet metal on my Bronco and this thing has been invaluable!

My "lifesaver" tool is a inexpensive wire pick-up tool, not sure of the real name. It is a 24-36" flexible rod and has a knob on the end that when pushed extends 4 wires out of the end that will pick up anything they can get wrapped around. I can't tell you how many "CRAP!" moments where I dropped something into the nether regions that this thing has saved me.

When it comes to wrenching, I always reach for my 3/8" craftsman flexible 12" ergo ratchet. The length gives you all the leverage you need for any medium sized nut/bolt and the flexible head lets you maneuver around almost anything. It has a black plastic handle that is big enough to comfortably holda when I need to lean into it.

Lastly I always find a use for a minature side cutter to cut and strip wire and my pic set to scrape, pull, and scratch.


Bronco Guru
Nov 28, 2007
southwest Colorado
Gummibear, you hit the nail square. I have been building old Fords for years, but this past summer I bought my first EB. I can look at a part and tell you what year, etc..., but this site has given me so much usefull info. There are so many bronco specific parts. I never would have gessed that you had to buy a special adapter to put a np235 in an old Bronc. Now I know what to buy, where to but it, or how to piece it together with the 6 cyl. piece. I also have a heater motor that really blows now (and I'll never tell anyone its a ch**y part!).
This site is the best!


Bronco Guru
Sep 23, 2006
My "lifesaver" tool is a inexpensive wire pick-up tool, not sure of the real name. It is a 24-36" flexible rod and has a knob on the end that when pushed extends 4 wires out of the end that will pick up anything they can get wrapped around. I can't tell you how many "CRAP!" moments where I dropped something into the nether regions that this thing has saved me.

I've always called that tool a nipple claw. :eek:


Sr. Member
Feb 6, 2007
Colorado Springs
Gas for the mig has been my best purchase so far. Friends are also invaluable.... and most of mine are tools ;D

I know this might not count but this site is the probably most usefull tool I have come across.