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SaddleUp Soft top

Have you paid for the soft top

  • I paid in Full

    Votes: 9 7.5%
  • I paid a deposit

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • On waiting list - No money paid

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Paid and received my top

    Votes: 8 6.7%
  • Wanted a top from Rick and now holding off

    Votes: 99 82.5%

  • Total voters


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
Lets try to regroup here folks, and not go down "that" path. I dont really know what to do or say in the whole matter, I just hope Rick will at least reach out for a little help if thats what he needs. I have his top, yeah the welds broke but he has them and is fixing them for me, he saw the issue a while ago and had plans for bracing them better to help with the aluminum fatigue in the welds, I was #2 on the tops I believe. I really want this to have a good ending and encourage Rick when I have the chance and he knows he has help if he wants it. I do not think he is trying to rip anyone off on the tops but he needs to get on the phone as many have encouraged him to do but thats a lot of pride to swallow (not that I am defending it), as far as other deals gone sour like Justin and Highlander, I really hope there is an explanation on nondelivery of those parts. If it is a matter of getting them down there I'll haul them down in Jan/Feb when I come down to pick up a tub for Shawn if he has them still.

Not sure what else needs to be said in this thread except for updates with info on people's tops, and hopefully they are progressive updates and no one has to fly out here (unless it is on a good visit to hang with Tito - if thats the case, cool). But whatever has to happen, has to happen. I just hope it doesnt get involved with legal stuff cause thats when everyone will lose I believe.

Anyways, thats about the best I can put it. I really still am hoping for the best, its a good product and a Bronco Brother that is in way over his head.


Full Member
Oct 2, 2007
The point I am making is that you guys knew what you were getting into and who you were getting into it with; nobody held a gun to your head.

IS Rick wrong for not staying in contact; Damn Skippy.

Crock of crap, mental deficit, dumb quote, Jarhead...........what ever else...call me what you will. None of you answered my question: Who of you actually met Rick, in person, prior to ordering a top?

And if you think I am defending Rick, you're greatly mistaken, there is no greater critic of Rick.


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
The point I am making is that you guys knew what you were getting into and who you were getting into it with; nobody held a gun to your head.

IS Rick wrong for not staying in contact; Damn Skippy.

Crock of crap, mental deficit, dumb quote, Jarhead...........what ever else...call me what you will. None of you answered my question: Who of you actually met Rick, in person, prior to ordering a top?

And if you think I am defending Rick, you're greatly mistaken, there is no greater critic of Rick.

Are you trying to say if we had met rick we would not of given him any money? Kind of a "serves you right" kind of thing?


Full Member
Oct 2, 2007
Are you trying to say if we had met rick we would not of given him any money? Kind of a "serves you right" kind of thing?

I am not exactly saying that and I am not exactly not saying that. What I am saying is that having met Rick, and seen this debacle develop, I am not shocked at the out come thus far.

Should he be hung by his thumbs and beaten with a tube sock full of wood screws: not yet.

Should he be held accountable for his poor communication and his lack of prioritzing: Yep


Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2006
San Antonio
Formerjughead. . . couple of questions:

Should Rick be required to repay the money these people paid him for a product they did not receive? If not, how do you suggest these people "hold him accountable for his poor communication and his lack of prioritizing?" Apparently you haven't figured it out yet so let me say it slowly:
h-o-l-d-i-n-g R-i-c-k a-c-c-o-u-n-t-a-b-l-e i-s t-h-e p-o-i-n-t o-f t-h-i-s


Full Member
Oct 2, 2007
Formerjughead. . . Apparently you haven't figured it out yet so let me say it slowly:
h-o-l-d-i-n-g R-i-c-k a-c-c-o-u-n-t-a-b-l-e i-s t-h-e p-o-i-n-t o-f t-h-i-s

You do realize that I read the same speed no matter how slow you type; right? And actually "Who Else Got Screwed By Rick and How Bad Was It For you?" is a better title and subject for this thread.

All I am saying is that the people who paid Rick 100% up front and did not keep or request a document for the transaction, or have waited too long and their recourse has expired, are just as much to blame as Rick.

If you have the means, get your money back............if you don't wait and see what happens. Bitching about it doesn't solve anything.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
Jughead has made it clear on other forums/lists that he has contempt for members of ClassicBroncos.

Suck it up and cut him some slack.
Takes a lot of nerve to tell people that dropped $1K a year ago to suck it up and cut him some slack, how much slack should a vendor get?

The point I am making is that you guys knew what you were getting into and who you were getting into it with; nobody held a gun to your head.
I think if people knew what they were getting into, then they wouldn't have.
The bottom line is that you pay your money and you take your chances.
What? From a paying, advertising vendor? NO OTHER VENDOR has behaved this way - 'cept maybe Rockquip back in the day and look what happened there.

I hope this all has a happy ending, but I think the only one to come here and defend this top fiasco is Rick himself. I don't think it's right to denigrate and patronize people who are out of hard earned money with NO product.


Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2006
San Antonio
Formerjughead, I didn't mean to critisize your mad stellar speed reading skills. But if you had read it more s-l-o-w-l-y, you would have realized that I didn't ask you to read it more slowly, I simply told you I would say it more
s-l-o-w-l-y, on the off chance it might help you "get it" --- but it didn't, oh well.


Full Member
Oct 2, 2007
Formerjughead, I didn't mean to critisize your mad stellar speed reading skills. But if you had read it more s-l-o-w-l-y, you would have realized that I didn't ask you to read it more slowly, I simply told you I would say it more
s-l-o-w-l-y, on the off chance it might help you "get it" --- but it didn't, oh well.

Oh aren't you the tricky trickster that wants to play "Hooked on Symantics".

Mark did hit the nail on the head though. It is more about me maligning the posters in this thread than it is defending Saddleup.

The people that paid up front knew last year what the problems were and they still paid. The best thing you can do is wait it out and see how things are made right.

Personally I think anyone who does not have a vested interest in the tops needs to hit the bricks. So unless you paid for and are waiting for a top beat it. Let Admin lock this thing down.

There are enough clowns in this circus without the peanut gallery circling.


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Colorado Springs
Personally I think anyone who does not have a vested interest in the tops needs to hit the bricks. So unless you paid for and are waiting for a top beat it.

As you said you did, I waited to chime in on this one until now...take your own advice. Seems to me that you never had a vested interest in it yet you opened your yap. ;)

On a side note, how many of the vendors have you ever met? Let me think about how many I have ordered from and how many I have actually met in person.....lets see....I have ordered from every one of the major EB vendors, and met...IN PERSON...zero of them. So does that mean that I have to "take my chances with them" too? Or because they pay more advertising dollars it means that they are more accountable. A business is a business is a business. Don't matter which way the cookie crumbles, if he pays taxes on the money he brings in under the name of what ever business, he is going to be held accountable and to the same standards that BC, WH, JD, JBG, Toms or any of the others are. For someone who is is throwing a lot of wood on the fire, you might want to put on your fire suit.%)

I really hope this deal gets sorted out in the best way for everyone, especially you guys who are wait listed for so long.


Full Member
Oct 2, 2007
As you said you did, I waited to chime in on this one until now...take your own advice. Seems to me that you never had a vested interest in it yet you opened your yap. ;)

On a side note, how many of the vendors have you ever met? ....

There are two that I use and I have met them both...........Jim Cole and Jim Creel. I don't buy too much off of e-bay and when I do I follow up.

So you're still sore about the Rookies getting spanked?

here's something to asuage your anguish:



Full Member
Oct 2, 2007
you guys were right
this guy is a metric tool %)

Another County heard from...........That offers nothing constructive.
I stepped up thinking it would be 10 to 1. Turns out it's someting like 7,680 to 1. I like these odds, it makes it more sporting.

If you guys are so concerned why don't you all pony up $1.50 to pay the unlucky 10 off ? I guess that would be too simple and not nearly as much fun as a public "e-beating". Or if it's such a great product why don't you buy the rights from Rick and produce them yourselves?

Thats because it would require: Thought, effort and risk. Three traits that are generally absent from this board.

How many of you guys have stepped up and asked if he needed help? What about the guys that he has helped out; what have you done?

Even the guys that already have their tops only 2 have stepped up.

Great bunch.



Sr. Member
Dec 4, 2005
Superior, CO
Can I get the names "handles" of those of us that have paid in full or put a depost down? Seven have paid in full and 3 of us have paid a deposit (I'm in the deposit bucket) according to the survey You can PM me or post here either way.

I would like to propose a con call tomorrow or Thursday with those of us in the "potentially screwed group" At the end of the day we are the ones that stand the most to lose. I know some of you still have parts paid for and owed to you. I'm not trying to overlook that, just trying to keep it focused on one thing at a time.

I don't know that we will solve anything or not, but it's worth a discussion.



Sr. Member
Sep 17, 2004
Columbus, GA
Can I get the names "handles" of those of us that have paid in full or put a depost down? Seven have paid in full and 3 of us have paid a deposit (I'm in the deposit bucket) according to the survey You can PM me or post here either way.

I would like to propose a con call tomorrow or Thursday with those of us in the "potentially screwed group" At the end of the day we are the ones that stand the most to lose. I know some of you still have parts paid for and owed to you. I'm not trying to overlook that, just trying to keep it focused on one thing at a time.

I don't know that we will solve anything or not, but it's worth a discussion.


Make that 8 people paid in full. I just responded to the survey.


Sr. Member
Jun 4, 2003
Shawnee, KS
Paid in Full & Deposits

If you have paid in full or a deposit, I would get on the phone with Rick ASAP.

When I told him there were 8 paid in Full and 3 deposits, he said the actual number was much less than that.(No number given) Then again, he did not even have me on the list, or have a record of the color/windows after receiving a 50% deposit early September.
