red top is a starting battery
yellow top is a dep cycle battery (slowly out, slowly in. Lots of up and downs)
Personally after my last few Optimas (have 3 dead ones that are fairly new and just out of warranty) I quit buying them. My old ones are still fine. Figure that. The battery bought as a replacment died before the replacment did. Yep, there quality sucks. Well documented on this site, other as well I am sure.
From what I can tell, Odessey is the current top of the line.
Deka Intimidator is also very good and a bit more affordable. Better pricing then Optimas as well
Now if you are real hard on batteries, don't mind warrantying them all the time then maybe an optima would be good. That is if you don't mind actually having to change them out fairly often. In that case I would do red tops. They handle the high amp draws better then the yellow tops.