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Hydroboost/saginaw question


Bronco Guru
Aug 28, 2003
Hey guys. Im finally getting around to installing the hoses on my hb system and just had a couple quick questions.

1. I spoke with someone at agr steering a long time ago but I cant remember what they told me. Of the two ports on the box which is the inlet? Big or small port? It seems like I was told it doesn't matter but I may be wrong.

2. My saginaw box is a dual return. Does it matter which comes from the box and which comes from the hb? One comes into the bottom of the reservoir and one into the top. Its seems like I remember reading that it did make a difference but I cant seem to find that info now.

3. And last do yall run a ps cooler? Is it necessary?

Thanks a bunch for your help guys!


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
1. Of the two ports on the box which is the inlet? Big or small port? It seems like I was told it doesn't matter but I may be wrong.
It absolutely matters.
And while I think most of them are the small ones, don’t go by the size, but instead go by the location.
The one closest to the front of the gearbox is the pressure side and the one closest to the steering shaft from the column is the return.
2. My saginaw box is a dual return. Does it matter which comes from the box and which comes from the hb? One comes into the bottom of the reservoir and one into the top. Its seems like I remember reading that it did make a difference but I cant seem to find that info now.
Don’t have an answer for that one.
3. And last do yall run a ps cooler? Is it necessary?
I think that most who have gone to the trouble to install the stuff and plumb it and wish to achieve better results, install a cooler.
Even the factories install power steering coolers, including the small one that came from the factory on our Broncos.

Whether you do or not may depend on what the intended use is for the vehicle.
If just occasional light use going downtown on a summer night to take the kids to pizza ice cream or a movie, you probably don’t have to have a cooler. If anything else, then a cooler is a good idea.
If you want to forestall any problems down the road because you really aren’t sure how the bronco will be used or under what circumstances it’s every trip will be under, install a cooler.


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
1) size doesn't matter, location does. As Paul stated, closest to the pitman arm is the pressure, closest to the steering wheel is the return
2) what ever routes the best
3) cooler on the power steering box to pump line. No need for one on the hydroboost to pump line. There is virtually zero flow in that line, just flows a little squirt each time the brakes are pressed and released. The power steering is the one that gets full flow. A little cooler is fine, don't need a big monster thing. They can sometimes run without a cooler, but bigger than stock tires and being 4WD it really should have one. If you look at stock ones, they are all pretty small. Ford is well known for just running about 6 feet of tube bent into a serpentine or a couple of loops along the crossmember for a cooler. Doesn't take much at all


Nov 27, 2013
To add to #3... We here usually say no cooler, or make sure it is properly sized, and does not create any restriction. The hydroboost relies on pressure and flow. If there is a restriction, you could have issues with your steering and or brakes not performing properly.


Bronco Guru
Aug 28, 2003
To add to #3... We here usually say no cooler, or make sure it is properly sized, and does not create any restriction. The hydroboost relies on pressure and flow. If there is a restriction, you could have issues with your steering and or brakes not performing properly.
So when you say "properly sized" how do I know? Or am I just reading too much into this? Thanks


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
Properly sized is the ports through the cooler are full size and don't neck down. It is easy to have a cooler that has adaptor(s) that might only be 3/16" ID and that is restrictive on a 3/8" return hose.

The most sensitive to back pressure is the return off the hydroboost. Thankfully that is super low flow so it can just skip the cooler and go straight to the pump.

If you have to run a 90° fitting try and make it a sweeping (radiused) fitting and not a hard angle. The hard 90 (typically a solid chunk of metal with intersecting holes drilled in it) doesn't flow as well and will cause backpressure.


Bronco Guru
Aug 28, 2003
got ya thanks. so i guess since i got 6an fittings on the box i just need to make sure the cooler has no smaller than 6an fittings