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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    Not tap

    A real hardware store will have them.
  2. sanndmann3

    Windshield installation questions

    subscribed. i did 2 also. 1st didn't leak but 2nd does... looking to seal it up.
  3. sanndmann3

    Can we all agree.....

    looks like we are having a hard time agreeing... ;)
  4. sanndmann3

    Drilling gauge holes in new dash

    I used an adjustable hole saw similar to this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Adjustable-Variable-Size-Carbide-Tipped-Circle-Hole-Saw-Cutter-Drill-40mm-200mm/332664764845?epid=27019904943&hash=item4d745d79ad:g:XKYAAOSw4RZbCNgH went slow and easy and lots of cutting oil. It was pretty much shot after...
  5. sanndmann3

    Not tap

    ebay has them too but I'd buy from hardware store 1st. Given the taper, be sure not to sink it in too deep...
  6. sanndmann3

    Another where-to-put throttle body fuel lines

    I bought the ptfe lined ss jacketed flex hose and ran it thru the drivers side frame rail.
  7. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Wow, that got there quick! Did I accidentally ship overnight? LOL Good luck with the install. :)
  8. sanndmann3

    Leave the top on or not...

    No hard top, no doors, no heater and no regrets ;D Get a soft top if you want some coverage...
  9. sanndmann3

    Dandy day for a Hangin'

    Looking good Howard! Forward progress is always good! :)
  10. sanndmann3

    Revised poster

    another number 1. my vision is blurry enough without having help from looking at 2... (if that makes any sense at all...?:?)
  11. sanndmann3

    good news and kinda bad news...

    Congratulations! Hope everything turns out well and good luck with the sale.
  12. sanndmann3

    Best source for 4r70w

    98 to 01 Explorer 5.0 would be a good source. 96 & 97 would be a second choice as the internals aren't quite as good. there are car donors as well but not sure what they are at this time...
  13. sanndmann3

    TRO Questions

    Steve, good to hear you are making forward progress. :) I bet you will get yours installed long be mine is done. I will definitely post up how it goes. Should be an improvement over my bent, stock set up. Also found worn out trackbar and C bushings which were probably causing my death wobble...
  14. sanndmann3

    SOLD Stock Pitman Arm

    I think i am set. I went with Wild Horses 3 way adjustable steering linkage to replace my stock, bent linkage. can't wait to get things back together. :)
  15. sanndmann3

    CB parts section

    it's good to be in the "inner circle"... ;)
  16. sanndmann3

    Back up!

    I couldn't get a fix at all yesterday. Makes me appreciate the site even more! Glad its back :)
  17. sanndmann3

    SOLD Stock Pitman Arm

    Not 100% there yet but following a promising lead... I'll post up when mission accomplished.
  18. sanndmann3

    Anybody running hydro bumps up front?

    I like the idea of mounting inside the coils but wonder how accessible they are and how much adjusting is needed to get things dialed in... Thanks for the posts so far, keep them coming. :)
  19. sanndmann3

    Broken bolt

    p.s. I lover easy outs when they work but totally hate them when they snap (most of the time they snap on me)... really hard stuff. tough to drill. :cry:
  20. sanndmann3

    Broken bolt

    After welding nut on, I would mount in a vice and clamp down hard on nut. take a propane torch to the aluminum casting to warm it up and expand it. start wiggling the timing cover back and forth. it will come loose eventually (unless threads are stripped).