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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    Santa delivered a surprise in my driveway

    Or a tasmanian devil? If its either one, be very careful... they can do some damage! :D
  2. sanndmann3

    Santa delivered a surprise in my driveway

    Could be a major award. Is it marked fragile? :p
  3. sanndmann3

    35's + 3 speed + 351W= 4.11 gear ratio?

    I'd go 4.56 with your 35"tires. It will get you to a final drive ration similar to stock tires and 3.5 gears. 3100 rpm @70 aint bad...
  4. sanndmann3

    Best deal on a complete third member

    ^^^ what he said. Can't use caps from other carriers. Also can'tswap caps from one side of carrier to the other so make sure you mark them somehow before taking it apart. I used a centerpunch on the cap and housing... Nice autopsy pics. always cool to see bent and twisted metal...
  5. sanndmann3

    whats the best elecrric fan

    I've got kits in inventory if you are interested... http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=220355&highlight=serpentine I'm running the Volvo fan and relay and using a 2 speed switch from a beemer. Made a custom shroud to mount the electric fan...
  6. sanndmann3

    1966 Originality... concerned about hurting the car's value?

    Bolt on mods that can easily be undone don't hurt the value in my mind. Repainting a truck that had original paint or cutting quarters is a different matter...
  7. sanndmann3

    How Many Bronco Shirts do you own?

    I like it too! Where did you find it?
  8. sanndmann3

    Dashboard Pictures Requested

    Here is mine. I put the important gauges (oil & temp) closer to the driver. Trans and volt are father away... gas and air pressure (onboard air) on the left.
  9. sanndmann3

    i picked this up for 9k

    Yeah, we love pics. Easy to post if you pony up $12 to become a contributor.
  10. sanndmann3

    Site Administrator WTH

    Makes me wonder what exactly is the price of tea at 9 a.m. in China... ;)
  11. sanndmann3

    Bronco Christmas Gift Ideas?

    Shirts and banners from Laid Back garage... http://laidbackusa.com/index.php/collections/classic-rides/ford.html?limit=all
  12. sanndmann3

    SOLD Dana 20 T-case and 3spd trans

    Shoot! I was just in your neck of the woods earlier this week... I would take them but not sure when I will be back in the area.
  13. sanndmann3

    laid-back gear 30% off

    They definitely have some nice stuff. I think santa already got me a shirt... I guess he shopped too soon... :(
  14. sanndmann3

    "Golden anniversary badge"....

    Those golden anniversary shield style badges sure are sweet. Didn't find out about them till it was too late. Very cool of Franco to offer up the rescu'ed one...
  15. sanndmann3

    Explorer bracket clearance on 351W

    Hopefully that fixes the problem.
  16. sanndmann3

    Cool Bronco Tumblers

    This hobby just keeps getting more expensive... lol Like them all.
  17. sanndmann3

    Fire extinguisher POLL

    Got 2 in mine. by the front seats for easy access.
  18. sanndmann3

    302, 5.0, 5.8, or coyote?

    My condolences on your loss. I think it great that you are picking up the project that your dad started. I'd vote for 351W with the upgrades. Its what I have and love it. But you need to figure out for your self what will make you happy.
  19. sanndmann3

    ONCE a Bronco hauler, but alas no more

    Dang! that was a hard hit! Like Franko's idea to make some wall art...:)