Here are a few more pics. I didn't get to take as many pics as I wanted since I was sitting at a table during most of the show selling books. Next year I'll just walk around and check out more rigs. I think there were between 225-240 rigs there this year. We were blessed to have some great Bronco celebrities like Andrew Norton (
@BajaBronco), Willie Stroppe, and James and Suzy Duff join us this year. Plenty of 6G rigs, as you might expect, but plenty of EBs too along with a nice smattering of other generations as well. Wayne Schmeeckle brought down a nice sampling of his collection as well - the Fulton race Bronco came over from San Diego thanks to Mike McComas, a partially finished Stroppe race Courier, a low mileage '77, the recently restored Stroppe shop Ford tractor, and Wayne's Braptor done in Stroppe colors.
The weather was nearly perfect - a nice jacket when arriving the morning and shirt sleeves by the end of the day. It was great to see some old friends from Az Classic Bronco days gone by.
Sanderson Ford was again very accommodating and welcoming - thanks always to their generosity! The show lasts from about 9-1 and is a great time to be had when much of the rest of the country is having cold, wintery weather.
Todd Z.