don't even bother with the rental tool. 90% chance it won't work for the explorer. If you have a large adjustable wrench, do the following:
1. drill a 7/16 hole in a piece of flat stock. I used a 1" x 1/8" x 2' piece of aluminum. Drill it off center and about 4" from the end.
2. Remove three of the fan pulley bolts
3. Remove two of the fan/clutch bolts
4. attach the flat stock to the water pump using one of the fan pulley bolts.
5. Use the wrench to turn the clutch and the flat stock to keep the water pump from turning.
by removing the 4 bolts(two from the fan pulley and two from the clutch) you have enough room to get the wrench on the clutch neck. Without removing these bolts, there is no way to get to it.