Thanks for the laugh, James, as always!
Question on thick of a line and how can you be sure you're measuring the same part of the line both times?
My "random number generator" has a stop(the base) and measures from there and I do it multiple times from different spots, so pretty confident it isn't random. I've used it a lot and much more accurate than a tape measure.
Yeah, but don't forget that the figure of merit for the toe specification is actually an angular displacement.
@Broncobowsher pretty much nailed it. The necessary angle is converted to linear inches at wheel diameter. That linear number is published in the specification so that Gorillas with rulers can actually make the measurement. That measurement is tire diameter specific.
When the toe specification is input into a sophisticated front end alignment machine, it is converted back to an angular displacement as indicated at the wheel rim surface. This is why you never see a tape measure on the front end rack. Measured toe angle is re-converted back to inches at tread surface, and added mathematically to the angular deviation to the other wheel, and the result is published.
The only real question is just exactly how much angle is required. I've often thought it was odd that a Ford Pinto with a 13 inch wheel gets the same nominal toe in spec as a Peterbuilt running 11R24.5's at 43 inches OD. Same problem for your Bronco. Do your 33's need the same toe spec as your 26 inch tires?
And the thickness of the line should be approximately 3 units. Then measure to the edge of it. tee hee hee.