When these were still brand new and unmodified, you just drove them, played with them, worked with them and lived with them.
Now that they are more than 50 years old and heavily modified in some cases, it’s work, work work, and nothing but problems!
Normally, I wouldn’t wish on you that you were closer to this type of civilization. In this case it would be handy, but the overall trade-off probably isn’t worth it.
So be happy, close the barn door and maybe it’ll fix itself while you’re off hunting!
Or if we were all younger too, I bet a bunch of us would love to make a summer road trip and work for peanuts.
Well , more like burgers, dogs, steaks (along with the the occasional peanut of course) and brew.
Or in my case, ice tea, juice, or water!
In the meantime, good luck. Maybe we will still be able to figure it out from afar.