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Cop came to my house today about the bronco


Seatbelt Orifice Officer
Sep 28, 2006
World Headquarters
A cop pulled up to my house and parked behind the bronco. Was on his radio for a few minutes. So I walked outside with some tools, trying not to act suspicious. I thought for a moment ole Socks N Sandals had done something to try to get me in trouble with the law.

He got out and walked up to me. Pointed to the Bronco and said:

"Sir, is this your bronco?

Me: Yes sir.

Cop: And, how long have you owned this vehicle?

Me: almost 7 years.

Cop: And what year is it?

Me: It's a 1974?

Cop: So, did you do all this work yourself? Because it's really cool!

And we talked for almost 30 minutes about the bronco and how after he retires in 2 years he wants to get a bronco for his farm (400+ acres). He asked lots of questions and was really friendly. He showed me pics on his phone of his friends bronco and his friends daughter's bronco.

I told him about this website and to stop by the house any time the hood's up! Also told him to be safe out there.

Scared me at first, but turned out to be a very cool bronco experience!


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2006
LOL, Great story.

I got pulled over years ago by a State Trooper. He caught me well over the posted speed limit on a mile long straight stretch of a back road in the middle of no where. When I saw his brake lights come on I just pulled over. He pulled in behind me and walk up and looked under the front end. Stood back up and said he had one just like it in his garage! We talked for about 20 minutes and then he drove off. Never once mentioned how fast I was going.


Bronco Guru
Jul 30, 2011
Lebanon, TN
Cool story, I had a cop pull up beside me one time at a red light, and talk to me for a few minutes. Light turned green he still talked, turned on his light for a moment. Said his dad had one growing up.


Bronco Guru
May 8, 2009
You should feel bad, he could have been out there arresting criminals%) Good story!


Mar 8, 2007
Good story man...

if he's on your place, don't have no 2nd thoughts about going and asking what's up...? :)


Sr. Member
Dec 23, 2011
Alpharetta GA
Took my driver's test in 1980 in the Bronco in my avatar. Guy giving me the test asked non stop questions about the Bronco through the entire test. When I stopped at the end of the test range, I asked how I did. His answer was, 'pretty good I guess, I was really just checking out the Bronco'.


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
I have been pulled over four times in my life by cops that wanted to talk about the car I was driving. None were convienient.

1. 1983, Driving from tulsa OK to dallas TX by way of the indian nation turpike trying to get home in time for thanksgiving dinner with my young family in the car after working the midnight shift at teh refinery. OKHP was interested in buying a Dodge D50 and pulled me over and asked questions about it for 30 minutes. I was going 55 in a 55.

2. late 80s pulled over after making a right turn on red so he could ask about my 55 chevy. wasted about 20 minutes of my time and I was late to work.

3. early 2000s, flat towing my CJ5 with my F250. Got pulled over and he talked about my Jeep for 20-30 minutes. I got pretty put out ans started to show it. :) then actually wrote me a ticket for 71 in a 70. NO KIDDING. Had to take a day off work to go beat that stupid ticket.

4. About a month or so ago I was cutting through the farm roads to see my sister in my 71 Bronco. The one good thing I have to say about my NorDOG cluster is that it is calibrated dead on. When I saw him top the hill coming toward me I glanced down and it read 67, speed limit was 65. He slammed on his brakes and turned arround in the road. Went something like this.

Cop: Nice Jeep what year model is it?

Me: Not to be rude but why did you pull me over?

Cop: Did you do all the work yourself, what do you think its worth?

Me: Can I ask agian why i was pulled over?

Cop: Where are you conming from.

Me: Up the road. just why did you pull me over? ( I had just left a gun shop and had $500 of ammunition in the front seat and wasnt sure who I was dealing with.

Cop: You were speeding.

Me: I was going exactly 67 when you topped the hill and backed down to 63 imediately. If your radar says otherwise its wrong.

Cop: I pulled you over for going 2 MPH over the speed limit.

Me: (In my most sarcastic voice) So whats next a strip search?

Luckily he laughed.

I have a written warning in my wallet for 2 MPH over the speed limit. As he left he asked why I didn't want to talk about my Jeep. Other people talk his ear off and he couldnt get anything out of me.

How you take this is related to your other dealing with the police and how incovienient their timing is. These guys are getting paid by US. Every minumte they spend doing somrhting like this is time they are not availible or catching actual law breakers. Not to be a hard @$$ but I believe that as long as they are in a marked car and in uniform they should be all about bussiness. They certianly shouldnt be detaining law abiding citizens just to chat about thier vehicles. I bet they would have a cow if I waved one of them down on thier way back to headquarters at the end of the shift and wanted to talk about all the neat computer equipment in thier car. Or the neat shot gun, or the AR15, or the dog in the back seat.


Bronco Guru
Sep 9, 2001
i got pulled over in town once for the wrong color amber lights up front, but all he wanted to do was talk about the Bronco.

pretty much the same thing happened by a county sheriff a couple years back, he pulled me over for havin a "unreadable" plate, its all smashed up from years of crawlin. but finally admitted he was an EB fan and just wanted to talk shop.


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2006
i got pulled over in town once for the wrong color amber lights up front,

OK I'll bite... Amber is amber...how can you have the wrong color amber? ;D

I've been waiting to get pulled over for no parking lights to the front when my head lights are on and that they are clear (white) lights to boot.


Bronco guy
Feb 6, 2010
These guys are getting paid by US. Every minumte they spend doing somrhting like this is time they are not availible or catching actual law breakers. Not to be a hard @$$ but I believe that as long as they are in a marked car and in uniform they should be all about bussiness.

Not trying to be argumentative here, and not trying to hijack, but I don't see why it makes any difference who they're getting paid by, or what their job description is. I can say the same thing about the CEO that is getting paid while he talks to his buddy about his sunday golf outing or the shelf stocker that is texting when he is supposed to be stocking shelves. Cops are humans just like everyone else, and NO ONE works every minute they get paid for, NO ONE.


Sr. Member
Jan 10, 2007
A cop pulled up to my house and parked behind the bronco. Was on his radio for a few minutes. So I walked outside with some tools, trying not to act suspicious. I thought for a moment ole Socks N Sandals had done something to try to get me in trouble with the law.

He got out and walked up to me. Pointed to the Bronco and said:

"Sir, is this your bronco?

Me: Yes sir.

Cop: And, how long have you owned this vehicle?

Me: almost 7 years.

Cop: And what year is it?

Me: It's a 1974?

Cop: So, did you do all this work yourself? Because it's really cool!

And we talked for almost 30 minutes about the bronco and how after he retires in 2 years he wants to get a bronco for his farm (400+ acres). He asked lots of questions and was really friendly. He showed me pics on his phone of his friends bronco and his friends daughter's bronco.

I told him about this website and to stop by the house any time the hood's up! Also told him to be safe out there.

Scared me at first, but turned out to be a very cool bronco experience!

I think Socks and Sandals should be the last person to deal with Cops unless he is Cuffed. By the way , where's his positive feedback for the last Gem he sold?


Seatbelt Orifice Officer
Sep 28, 2006
World Headquarters
These guys are getting paid by US. Every minumte they spend doing somrhting like this is time they are not availible or catching actual law breakers. Not to be a hard @$$ but I believe that as long as they are in a marked car and in uniform they should be all about bussiness. They certianly shouldnt be detaining law abiding citizens just to chat about thier vehicles.

I know several cops and there is an invaluable thing called "community relations" that is part of their job. Besides, like most workers, they do get to take breaks.

That's pretty funny right there! Good one Jim.

Thanks Mark! I didn't really answer him on that one! :p

By the way , where's his positive feedback for the last Gem he sold?
Yeah, I was wondering about that myself.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Not trying to be argumentative here, and not trying to hijack, but I don't see why it makes any difference who they're getting paid by, or what their job description is. I can say the same thing about the CEO that is getting paid while he talks to his buddy about his sunday golf outing or the shelf stocker that is texting when he is supposed to be stocking shelves. Cops are humans just like everyone else, and NO ONE works every minute they get paid for, NO ONE.

Hay I need Bail money ......;).....can ya help a brother out..;D


Bronco guy
Feb 6, 2010
I'm not saying everyone (insert job description) doesn't work hard or deserve what they get paid, just saying its unreasonable to expect a person to be actually working every minute of the day.

Business owners might be the only exception to that, simply because some of them don't get paid if they're not working. The ones I know don't get paid by the hour though, they get paid by the job, so technically I suppose they are getting paid to do nothing sometimes.


Bronco guy
Feb 6, 2010
not to high jack... but I work way more hours than the company pays me 40 a week for. 'Not a big deal. I love my job and company and the perks/bennys.

I hear ya, and I'm not saying you or anyone else isn't a hard worker. There's gotta be a few minutes a day you're BSing with your buddy, talking to your significant other or child on the phone, or whatever else the man ain't payin ya for though right?

I ride around in a car by myself for 12 hours at a time. Sometimes there's nothing else to do but stop by someone walking their dog or working on a car in the driveway and ask them how they are, do they have any neighborhood concerns, or maybe just talk about a common hobby. As previously stated by the OP we call that community policing. I wouldn't mind at all if an officer stopped by and chatted about whatever he/she wanted to talk about. I can see gearhead's point about how it inconvenienced him, and that was a valid point in the situations he described, so I was addressing the text I quoted.


Foolproofness Tester
Mar 15, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
I'm not saying everyone (insert job description) doesn't work hard or deserve what they get paid, just saying its unreasonable to expect a person to be actually working every minute of the day.

Business owners might be the only exception to that, simply because some of them don't get paid if they're not working. The ones I know don't get paid by the hour though, they get paid by the job, so technically I suppose they are getting paid to do nothing sometimes.

I think the point, which has seemingly been walked away from here, was that the cops in question lit up the vehicle and made a traffic stop to chit chat. I doubt anyone would have an issue if a cop, or anyone, taking a few moments for themselves such as a break, or just slow time, were to strike up a conversation in a non authoritative way at a neutral setting such as a gas station.

The official act of pulling the vehicle over with little to no official reason, other than to goof off, I think most people find offensive. I would say most people, civilian and police officer, would categorize a traffic stop as a very much on duty activity, and expect a certain level of professionalism with that event. Not that it is always honored.

G's Baja Bronco

Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2010
Sunny SO CAL
a weird one got me 2 Halloweens ago, one of my city cops stopped by as me and the wife where handing out candy, he was super polite and actually cool, after explaining that there have been a couple of burglaries in my area (his beat) he said the suspects drive a car that is the same color (brownish) as one of your broncos. it turns out my brother had left his 73 at my house, but we never part them on the street or front yard, I was a little surprised that he knew about 2 broncos and the color. I have a 6 foot closed fence between the street and my broncos!:cool: