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Cop came to my house today about the bronco


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Well said... Ya know, people get flamed immediately when they try to bitch about a vendor not giving them adequate service. The responses always boil down to "what have you done to try and make it right" or "give the vendor an opportunity to make it right". If the cop who pulls over, the waitress that gives you terrible service, the dentist that starts drilling before you're numb, etc doesn't know that you found their performance to be substandard, then how will they ever correct it?

Obviously, in some cases the side of the road may not be the place to let the friendly officer know that he's doing a substandard job (or whatever your complaint may be), which is why I mentioned the possible solution in my last post. However, there are some people, no matter what their profession is, that aren't going to change their behavior no matter what so take it for what it's worth.
hey shouldn't you be working instead of playing on here;D errr wait maybe that is me too;D


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2003
I've not always been given a ticket, sometimes I get warnings. Attitude certainly has a lot to do with things. If you're rude or act like the cop is wasting your time your definately getting a ticket and he might take a few more minutes filling things out or looking around your truck, if you're cordial sometimes you get a warning. If you're an ass you deserve not only a ticket but cavity search :eek:.
Don't get me wrong I've had issues with cop's at times as we'll but I've also had issues with mechanics, teachers, and every other type of person at sometime in my life. There are good and bad everywhere you look but if all you look for is bad that's all you'll find.

I have never given any attitude or argument when pulled over I just answer the questions politely . They just start writing.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Full Member
Jul 5, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
First, I would NEVER pull someone over just to look at a vehicle. It would be my luck there was some other crime being committed and the illegal stop would get the case thrown out.
That being said, I have followed a few nice Broncos until they stopped on their own and got out to talk to them. I have even gone so far as to get on my PA and tell them I would like to look at it if they felt like stopping :p
I did have the occasion to go to a residence on a call, where I had seen a Bronco parked. After I handled the call, I got to talking to him about the Bronco. He had sold it, but had another one in the back he was willing to give me! I paid a tow truck to drag the shell back to my house. I pulled a few parts (including a pretty decent hardtop) off...there wasn't much left...and then sold it. I had aspirations of parting it out, but lacked the tools to do so. Several people stopped by, offering to take it to the crusher and split the scrap price, but I could not bear to see it go to the crusher. Finally a kid stopped by and asked about it, wanting to rebuild it. I sold it for the wrecker bill amount and he is making a trail rig out it.
As a police officer of 18 years, I am sorry some of you have had bad experiences with law enforcement. Please don't lump us all into one stereotype. I have had equally poor experiences with individual plumbers, electricians, car salesmen, store clerks, mechanics, etc......I don't treat all people in that profession with the same negativity based on one person's actions. There are bad seeds in every bushel.


Seatbelt Orifice Officer
Sep 28, 2006
World Headquarters
As a police officer of 18 years, I am sorry some of you have had bad experiences with law enforcement. Please don't lump us all into one stereotype. I have had equally poor experiences with individual plumbers, electricians, car salesmen, store clerks, mechanics, etc......I don't treat all people in that profession with the same negativity based on one person's actions. There are bad seeds in every bushel.

I understand what people are saying, but as I wrote in the original post, this cop stopped at my house. He didn't pull me over. For me, it was a very cool experience, and possibly a new/future bronco buddy.


Full Member
Jul 5, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
Now, stopping by a house is different. As long as it's not too late (I work 7p-7a), I would stop by if I saw one. I quickly explain that I am not there for anything other than to look. So far everyone has been very pleasant. Most of my encounters are from doing VIN verifications. I have gotten to see some pretty cool vehicles people were restoring.


Oct 18, 2011
Everytime I've been pulled over, I deserved it! But been very fortunate that I've met good officers, weather I recieved a ticket or not I always knew they were just doing their jobs and have had a couple seem interested in what I was driving and asked a few questions afterward. Does make a person nervous when a officer or just anybody pulls in your driveway out of the blue but always turns in to a good thing when someone shows interest in what you've got and what you have done to it, made several friends that way.


Sr. Member
Dec 23, 2011
I've not always been given a ticket, sometimes I get warnings. Attitude certainly has a lot to do with things. If you're rude or act like the cop is wasting your time your definately getting a ticket and he might take a few more minutes filling things out or looking around your truck, if you're cordial sometimes you get a warning. If you're an ass you deserve not only a ticket but cavity search :eek:.
Don't get me wrong I've had issues with cop's at times as we'll but I've also had issues with mechanics, teachers, and every other type of person at sometime in my life. There are good and bad everywhere you look but if all you look for is bad that's all you'll find.

Well said. I was almost disappointed in this post as it started to sound like a "F the Police" thread but thanks to the majority of you, especially Obscure for setting what happened straight and appreciating the situation for what it was.


Bronco Guru
Jul 12, 2010
I don't believe there are but a couple on here that would disparage law enforcement, which would be typical of any large group of people, same as there are only a couple of bad apples in any large force.

A few years back, 10 maybe, I got a big rise out of the neighborhood, there were about 5 sheriff's cars at my house:eek: I was building a racecar for one of the deputies and he brought all his buddies to look at it. After they all left, the phonecalls started pouring in 'What's going on? Who's in trouble?' It would sure have been easy to get some good rumors going;D

Jim W.


Full Member
Dec 29, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon
I've only been pulled over in the Bronco once. It was last Thanksgiving and I was heading to dinner. I was on the freeway, 55mph zone, car in front of me was doing about 50, so I did my lane change to pass. I probably didn't even hit 60mph. Didn't notice the cop behind me. They use REALLY low profile roof lights around here. He pulled me over and asked if I knew why. I said nope. He said I used my signal getting into the left lane but didn't use it getting back into the right lane. I'm thinking "this is illegal?" Anyway, he took my license, registration, insurance, went to his car and came back 5 mins later. It was pouring rain that day, so while he was in his car I grabbed paper towels and started drying my dash and whatnot. When he came back, he said "you take good care of her, huh?" and commented on how good she sounds. No ticket, not even a warning. I still don't really know why he pulled me over. There was a lame reason and not a lot of Bronco talk. Anyway, he shook my hand and said Happy Thanksgiving and make sure you use your signal. LOL