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Does a "Project" ever end?!


Jr. Member
Dec 27, 2011
Well I thought I had my bronco where I wanted it and was calling the project done.. Found myself at a swap meet walking around thinking hmmm.. That would be cool on the bronc, I think i could make that work too.. And on and on it went. Ended up coming home with a new tach and an old Military jerry gas can.. Is this just me or is everyone else having trouble calling a project good enough??

P.S. Please go vote for my "Done Bronco" for the calendar. #32!


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
A project is an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.

So in Bronco terms, a collection of tasks centered around achieving a specific goal (ie... turn this pile of parts into an operable vehicle that I can do <whatever task you have in mind> with by a certain date)

It sounds to me like you have moved beyond "project" status: "I thought I had my bronco where I wanted it and was calling the project done"

Adding your swap meet acquisitions to your completed vehicle, are projects in and of themselves.

I like to think of it like this - I never want to run out of new ideas for my Bronco, but for all intents and purposes my original goal has been met - I've driven a bunch of trails relatively unscathed and had a lot of fun enjoying all of my hard work getting to that point. That however doesn't stop me from constantly thinking of ways to change/improve the vehicle overall.


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
THEY are called projects, not completions......i need to make that t-shirt now! ;D