On square bore intakes you need an adapter to allow the HUGE secondaries to open w/o hitting the intake. This adds height which can be overcome but you just have to plan.
Back in the early/mid 90's seemed like anybody that wheeled hard off road either ran the stock Ford 2bbl or a Qjet. General consensus was the Qjet was the poor man's fuel injection.
If you never wheeled off road you could ran an Edelbrock or Holley and think they were gold.
Stock Ford cast iron intake is the easist next to the OFFY. Then Edelbrock Performer.
Offset air filter
Dropped base or dropped element filter assembly housing where the bottom of the filter is dropped down enough to clear your throttle linkage but lower the overall height of the new intake, carb and filter.
The 1976 Mustang II 302 (told ya I'm old)

paper air filter element which is 2 1/16"x14" is a perfect candidate and is what I used for decades