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It does. I did put eyes on it and it seems like the button is depressed (should it be up?). That’s a good reminder though. Should it have 12v to it on both sides?
It does. I did put eyes on it and it seems like the button is depressed (should it be up?). That’s a good reminder though. Should it have 12v to it on both sides?
It is placed between the fuel relay and pump, so it should have voltage when the relay does. It acts like a fuse during big bumps. If it trips, it kills current to the pump.
And if that works, get a second one.
Then swap it out for the first, just to make sure it works, and keep the first one as a spare.
And if it doesn’t fix the problem, well, at least you now have a spare.
Hey EFI guy, thanks for chiming in. I do not have injector pulse. I also misspoke earlier when I mentioned the TFI module being my main suspect at this point, I meant PIP sensor in the distributor. My understanding is this sensor could be keeping the computer from delivering the signal to the fuel system (fuel pump and injectors), right?
My plan is to swap out the distributor this Sunday
Hey EFI guy, thanks for chiming in. I do not have injector pulse. I also misspoke earlier when I mentioned the TFI module being my main suspect at this point, I meant PIP sensor in the distributor. My understanding is this sensor could be keeping the computer from delivering the signal to the fuel system (fuel pump and injectors), right?
My plan is to swap out the distributor this Sunday
Hopefully you DO have injector pulse. That's what the injector does when it spits out fuel.
EFI guy might have a better way, but you can use a long screwdriver and use it to listen. One end on the injector and the handle end in your ear. Just might be tough to do while cranking, not sure. Never tried.
Update for future searchers: My distributor was off a tooth. I previous installed the explorer serpentine pulleys and it wasn't allowing the distributor to rotate clockwise far enough to be timed correctly. I had to grind away a portion of the pulley bracket. Reset the timing and it started right up.