Since they have not answered yet, I'll say yes that's the one. Same ratings (16mm x -6an) as the one we sell for that application too: (#2068)
I like the all aluminum sealing ring too, but we have not had any issue with either that or the o-ring style shown in out pic. Sometimes our supplier uses all metal, sometimes they use o-ring style as pictured. Never had a sealing issue with either.
Not sure about the re-usability of the all-metal one though?
If there is some confusion about the Lee name, I'm sure the guys will fill in the timeline. But I think the original Lee closed up shop when the boss Lee officially retired, but then either family, or employees (or maybe even Lee himself came out of retirement) opened up a new shop doing the same thing but under a different name. Now it's back to Lee again?
I'm curious too, and I'm sure some of the regular Lee users here can fill in the blanks.
Either way I'm pretty sure they kept the same good reputation so far.
For those that know, is all that about right? Do they still rebuild and "custom tune" steering boxes?