Ladies and Gentlemen, we are currently waiting for the Summit powers that be to give my buddy an estimated cost. I dont know what it will be. I hope it is worthwhile. My feeling is that a 10% cut is ok, but might not be cost effective for some.
Now's the time for me to ask...... Have any of you priced these out at local retail places? They are $89 at Summit plus if you ordered them yourself you'd pay handling or shipping. If you can get them at your local for that (not including tax) then this might not be worthwhile for you.
I'm not to shy and I told my friend that if they dont discount enough, it might not be cost effective by the time shipping/handling is added on. He will mention that. I even hinted that the might throw in a set of the special hose clamps for each set.
One last fly in the ointment. They want to ship the lot to one place. I live in Ohio, Summit is in Ohio, thus I have to pay sales tax 6.75%. It would be the same for Nevada (or whatever the other state their store is located in). I guess if you bought them in your own state you'd pay sales tax. Anyway, if we can have them shipped to someone in a bordering state we can skip the sales tax.
I'm thinking maybe Michigan. I am going to the Woodward Dream Cruise August 21 and could hook up with someone then. I know someone (you know who you are!) is going to the cruise from Ohio and has relatives there. If we can put this all together by then maybe they can be shipped/picked up there. Then, I would get them and ship them out from here (Columbus) via UPS.
I wanted to be able to do all this myself to keep it simple but the tax thing may complicate it. If you all dont mind the tax consequences then it would simplify things.
Just wanted to let you all know the latest