I would like to thank Dirtdonk for answering my PM's and also for taking the time to answer all the questions he does here on the forum.
Monster Mike has never failed to answer my questions and helped me a ton with my project over the last six months. And I was fortunate to be able to buy his C4 that has been working perfectly. ;D
Viperwolf always gives his knowledge freely and I really appreciate that. It was very cool seeing his build.
This forum. I don't know if I'd be even close to tackling a project without this forum. When I run into a problem (like I do often), I just look at what others have done in the same situation.
My wife is very understanding and actually likes my EB.
And finally, I would like to thank my father-in-law. He's not on the forum so he won't know I'm thanking him. But he helped me so much and he's just a great guy. I was amazed when I walked into his garage with my girlfriend and saw his '75 he built 20 years ago. Without build threads and/or the internet. He told me he put a steering box on his back then and when he fired it up the wheels turned the wrong way. He said he thought he could get used to it for a second before taking it off. Funny, Mr. Duff said he did the same thing years ago recently when I got a chance to talk to him. Here's a pic of his from 2014:
My apologies if this sounds like I just won an Oscar.