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Has anyone ever REALLY helped you? Thank them here!


Bronco enthusiast
Jul 7, 2008
well .... for just about anything in my life , inc bronco help BAX !!! ( the big brother i never had )!

also ...the list is loooong but the main players in my life ...
Nickstrix for parts and sneakers !
Tasker is my man for locating hard to find / discontinued oem blue oval Parts !
Gordon baileybuilt ;)
migs ... made me ( no charge) a custom intake cover plate and some other custom fab stuff ! huge Thanks !

sprdv1 .... my 2016 OCBR Bad Santa ! I get even w. you !!
Tito ...willing to pick up some wheels for me in CA and send them to me in FL !
The Duff Fam .
and Tom & Donna BD mag.
oh and cant forget ben aka NGA ...but He Ain't Right ! :p

in years past .....4x4babygirl and her guns / @@
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Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2009
Los Angeles
Many have helped answer a lot of questions since the day I joined this forum. Mark aka garberz has helped me tremendously on many questions I've had and was even kind enough to do me a favor and install my locker in my rear end when I was local to him!! Thanks Mark and everyone on this forum!!


Sr. Member
Dec 9, 2010
Besides all of those who took the time to post their tech stuff on this site for me to reference I am lucky to have two local bronco gurus - Phred for the hands on stuff and the over the phone tech support when i try to do something myself and NGABronco for being my sounding board for all of my sometimes not so bright ideas or questions. These guys are always there for me even when I drop out of site for months at a time for work, family, etc.

Also big thanks to Nick @ Nickstrix for always being quick to answer my emails and follow up questions.


Glad to be here.
May 15, 2006
New Hampshire
THE list for me would be immense....from having suggestions, to actual wrenching to have an ear to bounce things off of. My local brothers have always been there to lend a hand.... Thanks to all of you, as fatboy says..."it takes a village, I just happen to be the idiot" :cool:

Gets to thank everyone and kick me while I am down! ;D

Truly an honor knowing many of you and a boatload I have met through this site and Randy (a.k.a. tasker). When I post something I am ALWAYS amazed at the PM's I receive out of the blue offering advice, guidance and help. Our local crew including migs (a.k.a. mugs %) ), Dave (never remember your screen name right), slednut, Hankjr, the strange one and Tim plus the Mainah's. If I have a wheel question I always hit up Franko, Nick helped with some parts for a tranny swap I am doing, NGA, Mountain Ram, and Bax are always available for a good ribbing as well. The list goes on and is extensive so thanks to the whole daw gone community! :cool:


Lick Creek Restorations
Jul 25, 2010
Well I have to say I have had a few help me out since I discovered this group and am damn proud to call them my friends. I will start with Nick, he has helped me out a ton from suggestions, to convincing me to put in a cage and building the cage for me along with references etc. he has been an invaluable friend. Second I would thank Blue71 (Andy G) again, he has become a great friend and he introduced me to several other classy chaps on here that have also helped, CLarance (Chad) and SurferB (Brandy) who also have helped me find missing information, point me in a different direction etc when I ran into trouble. I would also thank BFerrari (Ben) he has become my long distance best friend from each of us having way too many things in common but he lives on the left coast while I am on the right... he too has been invaluable. I have sought help from and received great help from Viperwolf (Phil), Fallingdown (Kevin), DirtDonk and I am certain I am forgetting a few... I cannot forget the help and encouragement I get from those on here as well such as FordFan (Dennis), MountainRam (Todd), MonsterMike and Suzy Duff, NGABronco (Ben), Broncoitis (Rob) and the list really does go on and on... Its never too much to say thank you and know that all of the members on this board are extremely appreciated!


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
Randy aka Tasker

Over the years I am sure many have had numerous Bigfoot encounters. It has been my pleasure to enjoy Tasker at many events over the years including the infamous blind obstacle course with his brother from another mother Jeff. Two really fun guys who can add life to any event.
In '12 we did our last frame up/started with a blank canvas eb build and I sent Randy a pm on bolt size and length to bolt our C4 up to a 5.0. No biggie when you are restoring and all the bolts are in the garage, but if you are throwing parts together, not common numbers you have floating around in your head. Sure we could have taken them out of other ebs in the garage but we were getting pressed for time at that point. Also, given the application of the build, 30+ year old bolts probably would have not been the best choice!! Not only did he give me the size and length of the bolts, I received a care package in the mail a few days later. Above and beyond helping out. As mentioned earlier, not that anyone else ever gets behind schedule in a build but this care package came about two weeks before we ran our first event with the rig. :)


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
Can't believe I forgot about Bax!

I am a dumb ass!

Bax gives awesome advice. Not just about Broncos.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2015
I have to thank monster mike and Suzzie for all the tech help and bax and NGA for all the laughs at super celebration and the whole crew at the duffs windrock ride every year. Thanks again to the duffs and baile built for putting on such a great event every year.


Full Member
Mar 23, 2014
Cape Coral, FL
I have to give a shout out to Ransil. He's helped me out numerous times. It's nice to have a fellow Bronco guy in the area that knows the answer to any question. He's helped me by trailering the project to and from the body shop, sourcing local parts, selling me parts and loaning me a cherry picker and helping install the engine & transmission. Even if I did have to store the cherry picker for him for 2 years ��

Blue Bastard

Bronco Guru
May 14, 2012
Tom Carper, The Bronco Ranch. During my roadster resto, along with a lot of the hard to find 66 stuff, he hooked me up with a 170 block when mine turned out to be cracked. Got me one within a day and I was back on track that minute! He is one of the best bronco dudes I know!
And also Rich Miller, rmiller747. He is to lend a hand and/or tools to get the job done.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Bronco Guru
Jul 16, 2012
^^^^^^ Somebody I didn't remember to mention, there will be more lol.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Bax n Chester helped me stay entertained for a spell there.:-X


Jr. Member
Jan 5, 2012
phred sent me some 3spd column shift rods for free
EFIguy has been incredibly helpful in figuring out what parts I need for my EFI swap, although I have still yet to install my harness/pcm that he reworked that look professional

I can't even begin to remember all the little tidbits of info I've gathered from dozens of different folks.

I've definitely acquired far more information from this board than I have contributed, my post count is proof of that...I should probably work on it...


Sr. Member
Jan 4, 2008
I would have to say THANKS to ALL the guys who have answered my many questions! Great site awesome people!