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Help! I got an EBAY rust bucket!


New Member
Jun 29, 2005
Lake Tahoe
I have a RUST BUCKET on my hands! Ohh yea, EBAY!

I'm not sure if this is the place to post this... I'm hoping for some guidance.

I have a '72. It was a farm truck from WI (this should have been my first warning) but it only had 40k on it (this should have been my second). I was TOLD the body had SOME rust (at least in the images and description mentioned SOME). So I buy it and ship it from WI. to Mexico (my pal has a body shop there). He did a terrific job replacing the rot (and there was a lot). I get it back (to CA) and check out the finished product – I was impressed! The body and interior are terrific. However I almost killed myself driving it back to my home as the suspension is SHOT. Then I find out that the undercarriage has a lot of rust TOO. I contact a mechanic friend of mine who looks at it and says, "SELL IT!" He called it a "rust bucket".

The body looks great! The engine and transmission are fine w/ 40k. However, The body pan (I replaced the front floorboards already) and the frame has lots of rust (doesn’t pass the screwdriver test in some places) and to replace the suspension and gas tank you'd basically be heating every bolt in sight - maybe even breaking things. The mounts are frozen - all bushings need to be replaced. Anything rubber under the car needs to go. The evap canister is totally rusted off as are the front body mounts.

I hate to dump this thing since the interior, body and engine/transmission are in good to terrific shape but is there hope? I've got more $ then I want to admint in this thing (freight was $2k alone!) but I'd rather cut my losses and move on if this is just too much of a project. I don't have the time or facility to do it.

Suggestions appreciated. Thanks!


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
If you were willing to pay $2K for shipping why let it go you can probably get a better frame and new suspension for less than $2K. You can get a good used frame for fairly cheap or buy a brand new one for about $1500 depending on what you want for suspension I would say you can get a basic new suspension for about $600 or go extreme which will run close to $2000. There are plenty of shops in CA that will restore your Bronco depending on where you live they may be closer to you than you think Try contacting West Coast Broncos or WildHorses I believe they both do restorations if not I'm sure they can point you in the right direction.


Sr. Member
Dec 7, 2003
one of the hardest things to find is a rust free bronco tub. but you can eaisly find a frame to put under your tub. or you can sell your bronco for $500 to me, heck i will even come and pick it up. ;D ;D


Jr. Member
Sep 22, 2004
Wild West Fairfax,Va
Why quit now? The fun is just beginning!!!!

Seriously, sounds like you are a good ways into restoring your rig. Find a decent frame and replace what you need to underneath. Half the fun of owning a Bronco is working on it!


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
more rustbucket

I agree with the other post on replacing the frame....you have toooooo much time and $ in it at this point to cut and run. Check the classifieds here for good frames, subscribe to any of the email early bronco lists-brocofix(bfix), early bronco mailing list(ebml), east coast bronco registry(ecbr) etc. and post there asking for a good condition frame. You mentioned the bolts were terribly rusted on the frame mounts, suspension etc. This can be aided by starting a few days before you want to remove the tub by coating each bolt in a good anti rust/seize, liquid wrench etc....solution daily. Same with the suspension. On your suspension, being in Ca. Check with Wild Horses or Toms on cost for new parts....might find some good used stuff and save a $ or two-I would be careful buying "used suspension" stuff.
Anyway, don't throw in the towel now, keep working on it, especially if the body and interior are as nice as you say after their restoration.


Bronco Guru
Jan 23, 2005
hey if you want the best penetrating oil look here http://www.kanolabs.com/
a product called Kroil i had a 41 ford parts car after several days of soaking those 60 plus years of rusty bolts came right off


Sr. Member
Mar 29, 2004
Wichita, KS
I agree with the guys above find a good frame and build it and move the tub over. I think I have seen 4 or so frames on here in the last year that could have been had for cheap... I gave a frame away six months ago for a 12 pack... So they are out there, if you are in a situation where you can wait be patient and something will turn up... Suspension is a must on a 20 plus year old vehicle, buy new to save yourself any headaches...

Best of luck!!!


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
My opinion is that you're half done, why not find a good frame and do a frame. It doesn't take a lot to get the body off (in your case you may need a sawzall and a lot of blades). If you now have a good body, and good power train why start over? Being in the s/w you'll be able to find a desent frame in the area. By the way after removing the front clip, interior and rear tailgate etc. 4 guys can lift the body off the frame. You might want to keep your toes out from under it in case the body is holding the frame together. Sorry about that snip ;D Good luck.
P.S. If you plan on wheeling it, you'll want to replace the suspension anyway.
By the way were are you from?


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
Ford guy hit the nail on the head! That Koil should be in the CIA because it's so sneaky the way it get between nuts and bolts ;D
Just what are your intentions with this Bronk when completed (that's an oxy-moron!!) Hey!!!! Who you callin' a, "what kind of moron?". Sounds like I'm talking to myself ;D
Seriously, where do you live and what do you plan on doing with it if it ever gets done?????????


Early Bronco Student
Jun 18, 2001
I have seen people getting rid of frames for cheap. Swap body and accessories....easy job to do.


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2004
Northern VA/DC
I say keep the body & block & get rid of the crap beneath!!!!!

Get yourself a Matkins frame & never worry about the frame again! Build yourself a custom frame up & love every minute of it!!!!!!! Having a bronco is the best thing in the world!!!!!

I am seriously thinking of going the Matkins route in 2+ years & redoing everything then too!!!!! Weehooooooooo!!!!!


Sr. Member
Mar 5, 2002
Vancouver, WA
If you have pictures it would to give an opinion. The thing I saw that concerned me was the rust in the body pan. How extensive is it. It seems like you have done a lot already and I understand not wanting to dump more money into it but you did buy a bronco and dumping money in it is part of the hobby. Ask anyone here!

If most of the rust in the body is taken care of then I would take the advice of the above and just get a new frame. Since you will be getting a new frame, clean and paint it and you will have one SWEET rig when your done. and changing frames is a pretty easy job considering the result.

Hope if helps.



Jr. Member
Jun 9, 2005
Lafayette, Louisiana
I say keep it. For Sure. When i got mine, it had all the usual problems and a few unique ones. I had no skills or facility, but i dove in because i couldnt afford to pay anyone to do what needed doing. Now there is no price for my bronco, me and that truck have been round and round, I hope i live long enough to see the grand kids busting knuckles and budgets on it! LOL


Sr. Member
Nov 14, 2002
I say keep it also. You can find a frame for cheap, I tried giving one away on here about a year ago and couldn't, just keep checking the classifieds on this board and also put a wanted classified and I am sure someone near you will have a frame that is in better shape than yours.


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2004
I couldn't agree more with my Bronco brothers. You are half way to the finish line. Don't quit now. Most people would have started by pulling the body off and working on the frame and drive train first, then moved to the body work. So you just did it the other way around. No big deal at all. Post up some pictures so we can all help you along the way. It's a blast and in the end, you will have an EB that you will be extremely proud of. :cool:


Bronco Parts Collector
Dec 30, 2004
I definately agree with the above. If your body is in good shape and so is the drivetrain then just get another frame. I have seen several go from between $100 and $300. If you buy another one you will have to start over again so I would keep the one you have..


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
You may want to post where you are located in case someone near you already has a spare frame they want to get rid of.


Sr. Member
Feb 11, 2005
I found mine on E-bay too. The guy said it had some rust, but it had a new radiator. When I got home, I really got to check it out. There was a 2.5 gallon round-up jug of water behind the driver seat. When I pulled it out it was covering up a hole all the way through the floor-like Fred Flintstone.

Then I got another one that the guy had primered and it was worse than the first, but a bunch of parts came with it so I ain't mad at him. This time I just ordered a tub from BRONCO CONNECTION, Dan Jones is a real good guy to work with, but be patient.

Sounds like you've got a great start- KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! ;D