How fast was this guy going on a two lane farm road? Lifted on giant tires (ya' that's real safe). I'm just shaking my head. I guess the old joke about box top Broncos is still relevent. Unsafe at any speed.
You do realize a Semi turned left in front of him and he hit just behind the cab, don't you? ANY car wouldn't have had time to stop from just about ANY speed. A Vehicle traveling 30 mph would take 60 feet to stop without counting reaction time. A typical reaction time for a driver is 1 second so add in another 44 feet. So over 100 feet.
The weight of the vehicle and size of the tires don't matter, it's the coefficient of friction between the tires and street. Locked up (see skid marks and that means no ABS) it's 0.8 no matter the vehicle or weight. The Semi, turning at 10mph would need 36 feet to stop. A single lane road is 12 feet wide and the truck is at least double that -24 feet, If the semi slammed his brakes on as soon as he turned, that's about where he would have ended up. If he was still pulling through the turn, he'd be a lot further into the turn. As you can see the skid marks from the Bronco, my take is the Semi saw the Bronco coming too late and smashed his brakes on, and the Bronoc slammed his on as soon as he saw the Semi turn. I'm just shaking my head. Real smart comment.