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How much does a non-matching VIN on frame hurt a sale?


Full Member
Apr 23, 2005
Mexico, Mo
I am looking at a 77EB that I had a hand in building part of it 14 years ago. Believe it or not this thing is beautiful, but has never been on the road. I know that the frame doesn't match the title because at the time of the build the original frame was rusted out and I sold him a spare one that I had. It has never been finished and has never been driven. Crazy!!!!!!!
I have an opportunity to purchase it. How much does it hurt the value? Can I do anything about it now? I don't feel like I would have a problem liscensing it locally, but what about out of state sale? Let's hear your imput.


Nov 1, 2011
Saltillo, MS
You wouldn't have a problem in MS... There are aftermarket frames being produced now so unless your a purist I don't think it would destroy the value. If its a clean truck that is well put together it should still fetch good money... Just my thoughts....


Bronco Guru
Sep 13, 2010
Summerland Key, FL
The honest answer is it doesn't, at this point probably half the EB's out there are running on mismatched frames especially in rust states like the south east and in the north where the roads are heavily salted. I would imagine in the dry arid states they are more common and therefore the demand for matching is higher. Honestly the majority of buyers don't even know where the vins are located. If they can register and drive it, they are happy.


Full Member
Apr 23, 2005
Mexico, Mo
I appreciate your imputs. My thought as well. It might be a way to get a little money knocked off though..............


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
Matching VINs are important to me.

Agree. Whether it impacts value or not will depend on thoroughness of the State VIN inspection and the buyer. In my opinion a non-matching VIN Bronco would be worth less than the same Bronco with matching VINs. If you have the paperwork for both frames then it may not be an issue, but that's rarely the case with non-matching VINs! That said, I've never had a VIN checked when registering vehicles in TX, VA, CO or CA.


Sr. Member
Sep 3, 2007
Flat out, I will not buy a bronco that the title, frame and "warranty tag" doesn't match. All it takes is one person out there that has never had any kind of authority, to learn that the tag in the glove box is nothing more than a warranty tag and start researching where the actual vin numbers are and start checking and you have a vehicle that will not get a tag much less a title. Then let it turn up that there is another vehicle out there with the same vin being used and there goes another can of worms opening up. I have seen a really nice bronco turned into a rock crawler because of just this type of thing. All it takes is one individual who wants attention, wants to feel the power of their authority, wants to prove they are in charge and is intent on making you like it and you will lose your money and work. Bless you guys that have been lucky so far. When the Govt decides that your clunker needs taking off the road because it doesn't meet emissions standards or whatever excuse of the day to make you buy a Govt Motors Vehicle they will start by initiating vehicle inspections which include just making sure all of our paperwork has the i's dotted and the T's crossed. So I guess you understand, to me, it drastically lowers the value of any classic vehicle. Original, RestoMod or Custom. And as far as the Custom Frames go, the only way to make that work like it should would be to cut the vin section out of the rusted frame and weld it on like a tag.


Bronco Guru
Jul 16, 2012
Matching VINs are important to me.

Agree. Whether it impacts value or not will depend on thoroughness of the State VIN inspection and the buyer. In my opinion a non-matching VIN Bronco would be worth less than the same Bronco with matching VINs. If you have the paperwork for both frames then it may not be an issue, but that's rarely the case with non-matching VINs! That said, I've never had a VIN checked when registering vehicles in TX, VA, CO or CA.

I agree for the most part.............if it's going to the rocks, going to be narrowed, cut, lifted, smashed on the ends and put back together again time after time from crawling, then it wouldn't matter so much to me.

If it's a u13 or u14 with non matching VIN's, I'd think the value would/should be significantly less, and I would't even consider buy one of those with non matching VIN's.


Bronco Guru
Jan 2, 2010
They do check the vins in CA because everything after 75 still has to get smogged and they look for people trying to avoid that.


Bronco Guru
Sep 5, 2003
Every VIN plate, even on a brand new car is "just a tag"

It not matching the frame may be a problem is some states
Not in others

It varies a lot

We recently bought a chevy pickup from AZ with a state issued VIN riveted in the doorpost

Title says its a 1980. It I know its not an 80
Think its a 76 or 77
I know the doors are 73

Gave up looking for the VIN on the frame
Didn't have problem registering it though Since it came with a title.


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
Any documentation to the non-titled VIN? If both titles are present it is only a little ding in value for a project truck, no big deal for a trail rig, and devastating to a full restoration.

Your purchase isn't the only one you have to worry about. What about the next sale? That may end up in a different state as well, with different rules.

What I would do is get an inspection from the state (probably DMV, maybe highway patrol). Get some documentation that the extra VIN isn't stolen or anything bad. Only after that would I go with the project.

I know a guy in AZ who bought a project Bronco. Come to find out that there is another Bronco running around the state with his VIN. Come to find out that sometime in the past (happen to be a Bronco shop in AZ in the early 90's that isn't around anymore) parted out a bronco and sent the tub in one direction and the frame in another. Both owners were wanting to claim the '66 VIN. Things got ugly (thankfully nothing was ever reported stolen or it would have been real ugly) and in the end one truck got a state assigned VIN.

So it does pay to do your homework and get documentation before you get in too deep. Worst case is everything is fine now, the matching tub to your frame (or even one of the eBay glovebox door/title deals) gets reported stolen sometime in the future and happens to match your frame. And if they happen to decide the frame is the better number you could loose. A little official documentation can go a long way.


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2008
Glen Allen, VA
I agree they should match. There is no way to know if the body that matches that frame has been registered somewhere which could lead to problems. If it is going to be a hunting truck or crawler I wouldn't worry about it, but a nice driver or restoration with a fair amount of value should match. The only way around it is to have it researched and have DMV issue a new VIN. That would solve any issues down the road.


Bronco Guru
Jul 19, 2011
Matching numbers on frame, and body are sure nice to have when you run through a State Police highway inspection station. We were detained for 7-8 hours one night crossing into Arizona from California towing a drag boat. There must have been 100 people with badges checking numbers. The El Camino we were driving had been Tboned hence the door that didn't match the Vin Tag. Then The Drag Boat had no numbers on the Hull either. While the owner had registration for the trailer, and the camino...They were treating us like we were thieves swapping boats along the Colorado river area. It was a scary night. Gestapo Tactics all the way!!! On another trip to the Glamis a friend had his prerunner siezed by the CHP becaues both the prerunner,and the trailer didn't have ANY numbers. The runner he bought brand new..but when build the roll cage pulled the dash out for better fit. Numbers are critical


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
What they said. Plus if it is stolen how will you prove it is yours. A tag is only a tag but the number on the frame is stamped into the frame. If it is messed with you have a mess. BY mistake I welded over the last number of the racer, I had the title, reg, door jam sticker and the G-box vin. and it took 2 weeks to get the CHP to issue a new number.
TPTFPNS6S, you said you sold the frame way back when. Do you have the title still or know who does?


Full Member
Apr 23, 2005
Mexico, Mo
What they said. Plus if it is stolen how will you prove it is yours. A tag is only a tag but the number on the frame is stamped into the frame. If it is messed with you have a mess. BY mistake I welded over the last number of the racer, I had the title, reg, door jam sticker and the G-box vin. and it took 2 weeks to get the CHP to issue a new number.
TPTFPNS6S, you said you sold the frame way back when. Do you have the title still or know who does?

As I remember, I sold him the title as well. The owner has passed away since and I am trying to deal with his wife. I will ask if there is an extra title somewhere. See my other post I put up with pics of the 77 EB.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
They do check the vins in CA because everything after 75 still has to get smogged and they look for people trying to avoid that.

I drove my Bronco to the DMV to get it registered when I bought it. They did not even care if it was there, signed some papers, paid the fee and off I went. That was ~8 years ago. Maybe things have changed?

I am certain that there are procedures to get it all legal and above board - probably a VIN verification of both to ensure no outstanding issues (theft, etc) and some paperwork. Probably varies by state.

My father has a 1937 Plymouth coupe that came from PA. My aunt worked at the Michigan DMV - she did the VIN verification and sent the paperwork to us in CA. CA took it all at face value and there were no issues. My point is that it's probably not that big of a deal for you.

Impact on value? Probably highly subject to the buyer. Would not bother me for the right Bronco!


Full Member
May 5, 2013
It matters to me I cross my bronco in and out of mexico to wheel. Just an added security.


Jun 26, 2003
You can't even get a title for a car that is over 15 years old here so it doesn't make a bit of difference.


Bronco Guru
Feb 16, 2011
I am for matching numbers. I got burned on a sale on what I was told to be a 72 with the frame, glovebox and title matching. I chkd the glovebox tag but didn't chk the frame. Well guess what didn't match??? Yep the frame! I really wanted it to match bc I like 72s for some odd reason. My DMV refused to transfer the out of state title to my name. They wanted to see the the vin on the bronco's frame and not the glovebox tag. It was my DMV that showed me where yo look on the frame for the stamped vin. Lesson learned!!!! So I went in search of a great frame with matching title. You wanna talk about a difficult search! But I found one. It was an out of state frame with matching title, but no glovebox door or tag. For a couple hundred dollars I have a frame and title to take to DMV. They literally came outside with their drawings and physically chkd each number and letter on the frame (front stamp was better than rear stamp). So now I have a properly registered 1977 bronco. Next step is to get a Marti Report and get all the temporary tags, such as the temp tag that's riveted on the glovebox door. My suggestion, go get a frame with matching title. Learn from my mistake.


Full Member
Jul 8, 2012
Bixby Oklahoma
I've never given it a thought. When I bought mine I just took the paperwork in and I was done, still haven't checked the frame to see if it matches