After far too long I decided to get off of my butt and get some work done.
Took the transfer case apart to modify the shift rails. If all works as advertised I should have the ability to run high and low with either front or rear independantly. Wasnt too hard, tho I was nervous about taking off too much material and messing things up. Got that put back together and started working with the Advanced Adapters 3550 conversion pieces.
I must say, those directions sucked. There was no mention of a couple pieces in the kit and there was no mention of one seal that needed to be there. Im just glad that I saw these before following the directions. Anyone else have issues with how these were written up?
Either way, that is back together and the transfer case side of the 3550 conversion is in place.
Gotta do a little garage cleaning, then I can work on the body modifications I plan to do. I plan to temporarily put the engine, trans, and t-case in place. Once that is done I can lower the body onto the frame and decide from there what will change.