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Parchment sport floor mat.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Fateful words those... My brain even forgot the fact that... I'm no longer sure I even bought the rear section!!
Turns out that I have both the front and rear in black (intending to color them myself), but not sure I bought the rear. At least, I'm not seeing it in my garage.
Maybe when I bought my parchment front, the rear had not become available yet? I do remember there was a discrepancy in delivery dates in the beginning.
At least that's what I hope happened.

So for now at least, I don't have the two to compare. But the really good news (bad for me, good for this discussion) is that if I do have to buy a rear, it'll for sure be from many moons apart. So if they don't match, it might be a normal thing. But if they do match, then I'd say they have their coloring better dialed in than is showing here in this discussion.
We'll see...
