Jumping in to this thread late - here's mine: "BOB" is 6" narrow in the body, 13" at the grill. 105" WB linked F&B.
Welcome, about time;D I can say that mine runs for thirty minutes at a time:-[ My new efi freind is to cool---looks like the demon is a jacked EEC relay. Ran it for 20 min then started to pull the electrics down from under the dash. Just as I was removing the last screw holding the board with the relays the thing shut off! Sweet--- The board was hot as hell, EEC relay light was off, while my new freind was doing his thing with his volt meter, he said feal this meaning the board---it was cool but the EEC relay was still pretty warm, he said voltage in and ground was good---it's the relay. OHHH what a relief. He will change it out with a standard relay like i use in the rest of my systems. The boards relays are hard wired---soldered. I hope I have'nt woke murphy up, I keep my fingers crossed.
Super, let me tell you times flying by like i'm standing still---i know better. after yesterday bs my colon is definitly dragging on the ground and it sucks. The efi guru is stopping by the shop tommorrow to take a look at my work, he told me it's easy---ground issue, bad ecu relay, and so on. At least if i'm lucky it won't hit me on that draggin colon where my wallets connected to!
I took some measurements for comparison...these are with deflated 39.5 Iroks.
75.5" top of cage at seat back
54" top of bed rail at rear door opening
10.5" bottom front diff
19" bottom skid plate
Your cage is short! Only a 1" difference on the bed rail, but 4.5" at the top of the cage...
we just need to get all these rigs together for a bad ass photoshoot
I'm still gonna say this is my favorite buggy EVER, and someday, I'm hoping to have one real similar... only made my way. Build thread started, gonna be slow goin! ~Julie
we just need to get all these rigs together for a bad ass photoshoot
Wait wait... Ya gotta wait at a year... At least 6 month until I have my rig sitting on its own suspension!!!
who says this is a one and done? i see the start of a new event!
yeah real slow unless you got unlimited funds and an all star build crew...GET GOING!!!
It looks like she definently has a clue boys, her goal starship has my vote for sure. Could we possibly have a racegirl for classic broncos? Welcome Julie a figment of my imagination
Figment huh? I think someday, hopefully sooner than later, you'll see this race girl giving you a run for your money in her very own dream machine! ;D