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Tennessee Bronco Club


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2005
I know there are many Bronco clubs such as ECBR, Southeast Broncos, etc. I was thinking it would be a good idea to form a Tennessee specific club such as what has been done in Georgia. As far as I know there is not already a Tennesse specific club, let me know if I am wrong. What does it take and how would you go about getting such a thing started? It seems as though there are enough Broncos and support of the Bronco community to get something like this accomplished in Tennessee (Bronco Driver, Robs-Offroad, etc.). Let me know what to do, I think this would be another good way to correlate bronco owners of the Tennesse are and a way of putting names with faces. Any input from other TN guys????



Full Member
Jan 12, 2005
Lenoir City Tn.
i was the pres of the mustang club of west central fl. a few years ago, you have already taken the first steps. You need more interested people to continue with a club,also a meeting to discuss the discussion of a club;D i my self am interested in a club i did enjoy the comradery,the chance to meet new people , the wealth of knowledge that can be obtained from a group is very valuable especially to me being new to this breed;D anyone else??


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2005
We could have stickers made for the club:cool:........I am getting ahead of myself!!!


Sr. Member
Jun 6, 2003
Jacksboro Tn
I'm in. Actually I have a guy that makes our Stone Crusher stickers and shirts. I'm sure he could print us up some things like Logo’s and such. Personally I think a Tennessee Bronco Club would be great. Let me know if I can be of any help.


Bronco Guru
Aug 29, 2003
thumping said:
I'm in. Actually I have a guy that makes our Stone Crusher stickers and shirts. I'm sure he could print us up some things like Logo’s and such. Personally I think a Tennessee Bronco Club would be great. Let me know if I can be of any help.

Two complete steering systems and not so much as a sticker??? You've been holding out on me Anthony!!! LOL

I'm in for a TN Club, let's do it! The first club project can be putting a HO EFI motor in my rig ;D

Seriously - count me in and let's have a get together in central TN!


Sr. Member
Jun 6, 2003
Jacksboro Tn
Oh msweb you have me... If you can make it to Knoxville for the 40th, I'll have a shirt just for you...what size would you like? I'll be there Saturday with Tom from Bronco Driver. Sunday we will be heading back up the Sand Mine trail. Got my pants caught on my own pitch fork didn't I... Seriously, come on up and hang out with us.


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2005
I am sure there will be plenty of guys/broncos around TN to start a club, especially once every hears of it. The only problem will be getting it going/started and how to go about it. This is were it will get hard, but I am up for it. Also, something to think about.....We could be the TN Bronco Club (or whatever the name may be) as one group for the whole state, but have "chapters" such as, East TN, Cental TN, and West TN. Each chapter would/could be run by different individuals of each region in order to localize the club more. Events/get-togethers could be held in each chapter and/or as a whole depending on what you all want to do. I am trying to work this out in my head as I type so hopefully it makes a little sense. I would really like to see something like this happen. You guys let me know what ideas you all have, and lets try and get something started. Pony2, how did you go about getting the Mustang group started back in florida?:cool: ;D :cool:



Full Member
Jan 12, 2005
Lenoir City Tn.
what direction do you want to go ? the club down there started to just meet once a month consistently more people showed up as word spread then came the rules and regulations :-X everything has to have rules they started a nonprofit account at a club members bank(she worked there so it was easy to maintain) they started putting on shows at the mall INSIDE ,news letters,dues paid for the publishing and stamps etc. i can get copies of most everything for all to look at i was instrumental in updating the rules and by laws before i left everything VERY LEGAL wording wise in the regulations so as stated in the begining how far do you want to go??:) id like to start with just some meetings if thats ok;D


Bronco Guru
Mar 3, 2005
Maybe we could set something up for the 40th to recrute people to join a new club. This will probably be the best place to meet everyone from TN in one place. As far meeting with everyone on a regular basis there are a few of us who show up at the Foothills Mall in Maryville on Friday nights for their weekly car show. This might be a good place to start showing off the Bronco's. I was there 2 weeks ago with my newest 69 and had a guy come up to me and asked if I would like to buy another a 66, So as with any kind of addiction I had to have the 66 too. So getting exposure with the Bronco's helps find long lost Bronco's waiting for new owners. This makes number 13 for me I think I need help. Anyway you got my vote for starting a new club. Chad


Bronco Guru
Aug 29, 2003
Would someone please remind me of the dates for the 40th????


Bronco Guru
Aug 29, 2003
thumping said:
Oh msweb you have me... If you can make it to Knoxville for the 40th, I'll have a shirt just for you...what size would you like? I'll be there Saturday with Tom from Bronco Driver. Sunday we will be heading back up the Sand Mine trail. Got my pants caught on my own pitch fork didn't I... Seriously, come on up and hang out with us.

Yeah, you ripped the lid right off of that can of worms ;D I'll be expecting my XL T-shirt AND 2 stickers (one for each side of the roll bar). ;)

I'll be at the 40th with the bronco if I can get it trailered up there, without if I can't. I plan on being there before the celebration also. I can't wait that long to wheel again!

Anthony - what is the name of the offroad place near you? Is that where the Sand Mine Trail is??? They have a website or a way t get additional info???


Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005
66Gasgrill said:
I'm in a couple local clubs here in the carolinas. The way ours started was just like the ECBR. Go to Yahoo Groups and you can start there. Check out http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/smokymtnearlybroncos/ and http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/carolinabroncos/ for some ideas. Good luck;D ;D
Thanks for the plug Travis!;D
It can be real easy...all you have to do is want it. I put everything together. Thought of a name,signed up with yahoo*(free and simple), started a wed site (classic broncos very helpful)and then invited people. If I can help, drop me a line...good luck. I think we even have a member or 2 in Tenn.:cool: Later,Chuck


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2005
clarrance said:
Maybe we could set something up for the 40th to recrute people to join a new club. This will probably be the best place to meet everyone from TN in one place. As far meeting with everyone on a regular basis there are a few of us who show up at the Foothills Mall in Maryville on Friday nights for their weekly car show. This might be a good place to start showing off the Bronco's. I was there 2 weeks ago with my newest 69 and had a guy come up to me and asked if I would like to buy another a 66, So as with any kind of addiction I had to have the 66 too. So getting exposure with the Bronco's helps find long lost Bronco's waiting for new owners. This makes number 13 for me I think I need help. Anyway you got my vote for starting a new club. Chad

Setting something up for recruitment at the 40th is a great idea, as well as the car shows on friday night at the Foothills mall. WOW!! 13 broncos.......thats a major accomplishment!!!! Lets keep the ball rolling and get this thing going.



Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2005
blazinchuck said:
Thanks for the plug Travis!;D
It can be real easy...all you have to do is want it. I put everything together. Thought of a name,signed up with yahoo*(free and simple), started a wed site (classic broncos very helpful)and then invited people. If I can help, drop me a line...good luck. I think we even have a member or 2 in Tenn.:cool: Later,Chuck

How did you go about getting the website formatted? Does it take a lot of skill/web-design knowledge or did you have a program setup to make it simple?



Bronco Guru
Mar 3, 2005
Chuck check out some pics of a few of my Bronco's I just posted them. Chad