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Tesla factory employees Driving Bronco's?


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Have another Bronco buddy that works there too. Over in the Palo Alto facility, and doesn't drive his Bronco as often as the VW diesel for the economy brownie points.

Great article in one of the magazines a year or so ago, about a nay-sayer that took one for an extended trip and had a blast. Kind of made him stop, to smell the roses so to speak, at the super-charger stations all around the west here.
He was kind of surprised that even he could enjoy the camaraderie of the other owners and just hang out and relax and eat instead of just blasting straight through a trip.

I can kind of relate, but I'm still not sure about the whole stopping concept. I'm a get through it and go fast kind of a guy myself.
But one point we're missing is that most of these are not bought as a way to cross the country. They're bought as high-performance/commuters. Anyone that drives 50 miles or less to work can have a blast driving what is a very nice looking car (I think so at least) and is arguably very fast and very reliable.
Plug it in when you get to your destination, and when you come back out you've got a fully charged and ready to go hot rod.

Just don't use Auto-Pilot and think it takes all your responsibilities away!



Bronco Guru
Sep 28, 2004
San Martin, CA
They're bought as high-performance/commuters. Anyone that drives 50 miles or less to work can have a blast driving what is a very nice looking car (I think so at least) and is arguably very fast and very reliable.
Plug it in when you get to your destination, and when you come back out you've got a fully charged and ready to go hot rod.

Given the Traffic congestion here in Silicon Valley, nobody is getting anywhere in a hurry anymore. And the look at me factor is worn out now, since so many Tesla's have been bought here.
And now that SB32 has been sent to Governor Brown to sign, we all could be forced into Electric cars in order to meet the greenhouse gases reduction goals...


Jr. Member
Feb 12, 2016
I own a Tesla and a Bronco and love both!

The Tesla is an amazing vehicle and I can fully charge it in less then 2 hours at home. The electric car is a reality and the next Tesla will be less then 40k base for a car with nearly zero maintenance and no gas cost. It will be a revolution. But it's not either or both vehicle have there place. BTW autopilot is actually a great feature and works better in traffic. It does have its faults but use it for one day and you'd be hooked and know exactly what not to do. Final Tesla comment is because of the automatic software updating the car is better today then when I got it. Faster, more efficient, autopilot and they keep updating and don't abandon the older models to sell new models. Amazing company amazing car and all it will do is force all manufacturers to do better. Shows what an American company can do if inspired.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
My sister lives in Albuquerque and has a Tesla. When they bought it they went to California and drove it home from the factory. It took 10 days to get home. The last day was especially hard due to a snowstorm and freezing weather. If you run the heater you sacrifice mileage. They drove into Gallup with no heater or else they would have ran out of power before they hit the city limits.
This was 4 years ago, when they had to charge it wherever they could find power, mostly RV parks or KOA's. Now with the Supercharger network they can travel about 80% of the nation without too much problems.
It wouldn't work for me, but i'm certainly impressed with the technology and performance.


Jr. Member
Feb 12, 2016
The range is now increased in the newer models to over 300. Mine is an average of 245 and I monitor it as well. According to the Tesla people there is only one small corner of Texas that didn't have range and superchargers cover everywhere else. Plus they have additional charging options such as Chademo which increases the number of superchargers to include that network and the number of superchargers is doubling every 6 months. The current state of affairs make range anxiety and charging a thing of the past. In only a few short years the common experience your relative experienced is already gone


Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2012
Saw another article after the one listed. AAA offers mobile charging in certain cities now. Truck shows up and gets you enough juice to get to a charging station.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk


Jr. Member
Feb 12, 2016
I own 1-800-Battery and we will have mobile service coming in the 4th quarter. Thanks for letting me know about AAA so I can let my franchises know about it. I didn't even know that.


Bronco Guru
Apr 30, 2003
Broncoblood and I sold him that Bronco a LONG time ago. He's a cool dude and a former co-worker of mine from back in the day. Thats U15FL732049. An early 66. Like the 50th one. Was a 6 now a 289 4sp TL. Total Tesla mobile. LOL.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Given the Traffic congestion here in Silicon Valley, nobody is getting anywhere in a hurry anymore.

Hmm, gonna have to disagree heartily Doug. Maybe you've been hanging out in your truck more than your Mustang and haven't driven with me lately! More likely you just get "lucky" and have to hit traffic during the main jam-sessions.
I regularly hit 85-90 for short bursts to either get around previously slower moving traffic that decided it was time to speed up while I'm trying to pass, or to stay ahead of similarly dequipped individuals that vary their fast-lane speed between 59 and 89 mph while on the phone.
A Tesla would have been a much better choice to get the 95 miles to WH in those conditions than the stupid SUV at 13mpg was. Could'a been driving a Bronco and having more fun in that case. Well, other than the carrying capacity for you guys and your leaf springs and radiators and floor pans!;) But hey, my Buick could do that better anyway.
It's also a real dog so I much prefer the supercharged Buick for it's ability to quickly squirt around and away from said inconsistencies. Like would likely be the case with a Model SD (especially in Ludicrous mode) I'm sure.
I know you said "Silicon Valley" specifically, but plenty of those conditions here too, where pulling to the right to let faster moving traffic (often Teslas by the way) pass safely is the norm, not the exception. Even in heavy traffic there is almost always a break/gap where this can take place.
Been kind of jonsing for a quicker car again, and thinking a Model S would have been great. Well, if not for the price in my case that is. Still more expensive than the Lexus.
Hmm, wonder what a lease is on one of them things?

And the look at me factor is worn out now, since so many Tesla's have been bought here.

So like any other cool car you mean? Yeah, there are always some of course, but I'm sure there are plenty that still like it for all the other things it does well and for how it looks.
I still like most year models of Mustangs and of course the Early Broncos fitty years later. A '70 Chevelle would totally float my boat, a '73 Trans Am makes me drool even more than a clean Baja Bronco going down the road. Even the tired-style Grand National makes me gawk twice when I see one. And I think yours looks pretty darn nice too, even though the body style is how many years old now? What, two or three?;D
I still think the new Corvette is strangely good looking and the previous generation was gorgeous in the extreme. I still like the Tesla Model S too, so will likely continue to like it for awhile longer. Unlike a Countach, which is pretty dated (and I never really liked that much to begin with) and clunky looking.
You're right that they've gone from a unique sighting now and then to ubiquitous, but I think it's a pretty sweet looking design. So while the "look at me" factor may be fading, the "look at the car" bit is still in full swing for some.
After they're long off the market, 40 years on look-at-me factor might even come back!

Pretty sure I live in "Tesla Central" around here (Newport Beach notwithstanding there RK!) so they're pretty much everywhere you look. You could more easily play I Spy (is that the game?) with Teslas than with VWs hereabouts anymore. Blues and Reds abound (White is my fave so far) and about the only thing I haven't seen one do is race a Ferrari or Lamborghini for bragging rights or pinks. Probably because most hyper-car owners around here are aware of their credentials, or might even have one or two in the family stable already.
Thankfully few races then. Enough of that going around to make stepping away from the curb while waiting for your turn to walk across the street a healthy habit.



Jr. Member
Feb 12, 2016
We call it the Orange County Camry. I have blown away a Ferrari in a On Ramp drag race!! Plus the Tesla parks itself if you want it too.

The Bronco turns heads everywhere and is my earthquake insurance. Im lucky enough to have both ends of the spectrum.

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