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tricks on taking the hard top off after 40 years


Bronco Guru
Mar 28, 2012
Oh, oh I wanna play, just took mine off Saturday for the spring and summer. Not very fun by yourself, but it works. Here's my setup:


Nice! I see you used a chain around the garage 2X4s. For my temp set-up I was lifting the roof without glass, liner, or liftgate so I used 100# rated eye lag bolts. The new system I'll build will use a 4X4s across 2 studs for each corner, then a rod through the 4X4 down through the ceiling to hold the pullies, with the winch mounted on the wall.


Bronco Guru
Feb 26, 2012
Really enjoyed looking through everyones systems for easier removal. The pictures of your tops throw me a bit. Looks like 2 of the 3 have no back corner posts attached to the top. Do you run it this way. Those are the biggest PITA regarding removal and I imagine replacement of the top.

Also do you guys feel comfortable enough with the system support to store the Bronco long term underneath the hanging top?

Guy before me that owned my house had an old mercedes sl with removable hard top. He had the concrete outermost wall rigged with a crank loaded with heavy braided wire that went straight up the side of garage wall to an eye screwed in the same wall but up near the ceiling. Wire passed through toward center of garage ceiling with another eye in the ceiling beam that the wire passed down. Same purpose but any suggestions about using one downward wire? Can I attach it to something to spread into a foursome like you guys have.
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