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Jr. Member
Jan 16, 2003
[quote author=jtcamp link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=30#111035 date=1046393940]
Here is my take:

I was fortunate enough to have my dad buy my first car. I was also smart enough to not wreck it while it was in my hands. I made good grades in high school and went off to college to pursue an engineering degree. After a year I really needed a car to get around in and had saved up some money to do so. An older truck appealed to me because I had always worked on trucks, and I figured they would be cheaper to maintain. After I got into the bronco I had no idea how much time it would/could take up. I ended up failing a couple of classes and doing poorly in school. In addition I had no money. Point is I wasn't prepared for an older truck, especially one I had no information, other than the basics, on. My point is now at age 22 I'm paying for my lack of research, hasty decisions and bad priorities. My suggestion would be to take the car your parents are comfortable with and learn to drive safely. Hang around here and learn about broncos and what to look out for especially when buying one. I paid close to 5500 for one that had a tired 302, no power brakes and trashed interior, among other things. Thousands later, just to keep it going, I love it and know more now, but I have debt and still kick myself for doing bad in school...I used to go to calculus with the Haynes manual for broncos instead of my book!? Anyway, take your time and become a member here.


So true. You can never completely understand all of the hidden costs involved with something as old as an EB. I love mine and got it for a sweet deal, but it will consume time and money like it is a black hole. Take some time, buy some other stuff you can learn to fix and make money on. Then buy a Bronco without your twin. I know two twins who did the exact thing you want to do, and eventually one worked on it, the other thrashed it.

Oh yeah, I am 19, and started small. Now I have a 73' EB, 93' YJ, 95' Ram, and 99' Trans Am. Keep working and saving. Deals always come around


Sr. Member
Sep 4, 2001
Austin Texas
[quote author=rusty truck link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=15#111019 date=1046391425]
Why waste a good Bronco on a 16 year old. Go get a Toyota 4X4 and get your puberty out on that. then after you waste the engine or do something stupid and get those oats out of your pants. Then if you are truely a Bronco fanatic go buy your truck. I'm sorry I dont feel for you kid. No one gave me a car and if they did I would have damn happy to have taken any POS they happened to send my way. I hate this generation of pansy mommy give me this or I will cry bunch of woosies being bred these days. When you are man enough to buy your own and pay for your own insurance then you are man enough to deturmine what type of vechicle a man needs to drive. You need a whole lot more growing up before you drive a Bronco. [/quote]

Fuck that. My parents bought my Bronc for me when I turned 16. If your parents can afford it, there is no reason they can't share the benifits of their years of hard work... But like it should, there were strings attached. I am 19 now, no accidents or tickets. I have done all the mods on my own vehicle. There is no better vehicle for a High school student. They are durable, and go plenty of places. As far as saftey, The only vehicle i feel safer in is my parents Suburban. Imagine nailing an Excursion in some Honda, Even with the airbags. Once you realize it isnt a Porsche, you ll be allright on the corners.


Sr. Member
Aug 23, 2002
Denver Colorado
[quote author=74bronc link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=15#110884 date=1046369719]
You could start by not calling it a "car"!! ;D ;D ;D ([/quote]

I often call mine a car, but that's because it ain't a truck (not on a truck frame) and it ain't a heep. If I refer to it it's either the "Bronco" or the car. However, I get satisfaction by knowing the guys in Africa call their LandRovers cars. That's the kind of "car" my Bronco is!



Jr. Member
May 8, 2002
Santa Barbara &amp San Francisco, Ca
[quote author=wanting a bronco link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=15#110904 date=1046373821]
im at school now and wanted to check on my post from last night....it got 22 replies overnight! THANKS GUYS! I am going ti work over the summer and make money and i have a twin brother that i am sharing the car with that will put in money too. We firgure that we can make around $6000 combined to put towards the bronco, pluss we could add another $1000 from our bank accounts. Could i get s sweet eb with 7000 dollars? I would also love to do allt eh mechanical work, but i dont know much about the technical work and stuff. Please any more replies would be greatly appreciated.

If you want to learn how to do mechanical work, the bronco is probably the best truck to learn on. Everythings built the 'old way', so it's not that hard to figure out. No computers or sensors or anything. That said, if you do go ahead and get the bronco, keep in mind that it won't be in running order a good 50% of the time, at best. You'll always be taking it apart for some reason or other. I'm 20 now, and if I didn't live in a town with a good bus system, I'd never be able to get to work or school. Also, I really wanted a Bronco when I was 16 too, but in retrospect I'm glad I had to stick with the $1500 ricer because all the dents that I picked up through high school didn't matter so much. Plus, I would have killed myself in a bronco at that age...


PS- If you want to convince your parents, keep talking about them nonstop for a year, and threaten to buy something even less reliable. My dad thought the bronco thing was just a phase with me when I was 16, but 4 years later I was still babbling about it. When I told him I was going to buy a beat up old boat and try to restore it (with no prior experience or knowledge) he gave in.


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
[quote author=74bronc link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=30#111044 date=1046395721]Not trying to start a pissing contest here but I disagree. This kid just got done telling us that he is planning to work to save up the money and buy it himself.

That's what I thought at first too, but I think rustytruck was replying to the post right above his from the 17yr old (hokie7) who's parents bought his car for him. The original poster is buying it with his own (and his brother's) money, which I think is the way to go.

It's not about your parents sharing their wealth. It's about taking pride and responsibility for something that you worked for and earned. My folks had plenty of money to buy me a car at 16, but didn't and I'm glad. The work I had to do to buy my own car taught me a ton. I didn't totally feel that way then, but I do now. Of course that's just the thing that 16 yr olds hate to hear! ;)


thanks again for all the replys. I have successfuly convinced my mom ;D ;D although my dad is still sceptical about getting one. The main issue is not as with mechanical failures :-U I dotn think they realize that I am goign to do the mechanical work myself. My mom said that she would get me a hummer if she could, then I whipped out the quote that someone said on this thread earlier, saying that a bronco is like a hummer but it seats 4! she seemed to like this idea and i think this could have hit the spot. any more replys or tips would be greatly appreciated, and I am going to print out this thread too, hopefully it will help


Sr. Member
Sep 24, 2002
Magnolia, De

I can't resist this one. I grew up in a devout Ch**y family, so when I was sixteen, it wasn't a bronco that had my eye. It was a gorgeous '69 camaro, 327, high rise intake, twin 4 barrels, hood scoop, hurst shift, big meats on the rear, the whole 27 feet. I begged for months for that car. What I got was a 72 plymouth duster w/ a slant six. :mad: As soon as I was able, I sold that and bought something I wanted (the camaro was long gone by then). It was crap, sold it bought more crap. This continued until I quit buying cars that looked better than they ran. Now, 15 years later, the guy I sold the duster to for 300 is still driving it. The point is, Whatever you get, be more concerned with how it runs than the "cool factor"
Looking back, if my parents had allowed me that camaro, I'm sure it would have been about 2 hours before I wrapped it around something, or worse someone! At the time, no amount of convincing would make me see they had my interests at heart. If they allow you a bronco, that's great. Be careful, enjoy it, and make wrenchin' on it a family affair. If they say no, so be it. There will be plenty of time when you're grown for a Bronco.

One more thing, and I'll stop, I promise...

[quote author=sicaz66 link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=30#111070 date=1046402345]
you know, what i say is f#*k `em if it`s your cash buy it!
don`t let anyone tell you can`t have something you really want. my wife tries that and to save an argument i just buy it and don`t tell her. don`t listen to what these old bastards say you do what you want!

NOT TRUE!!! He is 16,17? and living at home. The parents have EVERY right to say what he can or can't have. If he works all summer, that is great, but he still has no money they don't LET him have. Until you pay rent, your share of utilities, buy your own food, clothes, gas, insurance, etc. , Mom and Dad say what gets spent where.

I understand if you want to delete this last part before you print it to show the parents. ;)


Bronco Guru
Jan 10, 2002
Nothing like rollin up to high school in a pimp truck!!! panties be dropin!!!!!

Just keep workin on them, sounds like you are well on your way. I wish my first truck was an EB, I fixed up a nissan truck and bashed the living crap out of it!!! bent and broke stuff all the dam time. The EB would not have even been touched! And you dont lose much money on an EB due to the value on these things going through the roof!!


Sr. Member
Sep 24, 2002
Magnolia, De
[quote author=astark link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=45#111361 date=1046488781]
Very well stated semprbronc !

And I too agree.

:-[ Aww shucks, mr. astark sir, really... :-[
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Sr. Member
Sep 24, 2002
Magnolia, De
[quote author=75MIKE link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=45#111392 date=1046495382]
"Forget it kid, You'll shoot your eye out!" ;D


great flick...


Sr. Member
Aug 23, 2002
Denver Colorado
[quote author=75MIKE link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=45#111392 date=1046495382]
"Forget it kid, You'll shoot your eye out!" ;D

Yeah, wouldn't ya rather have a nice football?



Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
You allways trash your first vehicle........kiss that EB goodbuy.....Hell mom wants to buy him a hummer, gots lots of cash so its not a issue.......she'll spoil em


Sr. Member
Nov 14, 2002
I started working at a full service gas station (remember those?) when I was 15 and by the time I was 16 I had enough cash saved to get a 79 Triumph Spitfire. My parents said "Well its your money". The thing only did 120 topped out but with the four wheel independent suspension it could take a hair-pin turn doing top speed. By the time I was 17 I added an 84 Nighthawk 450. My parents once again said "Its your money." My parents were great to me and loved me a lot but they let me live and learn. I still drive like I was 16 (just ask the local cops). I am 30 now and I am happy to say that I have bought every vehicle I own myself. I think all kids should buy their own vehicles that way they will at least appreciate them more.


Bronco Guru
Apr 22, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
Just take your time. It's kind of like a test. You better know everything that they might ask before they get a chance to. My dad was hesitant. :p He would constantly try to stump me everytime a car for me was brought up. He wanted to know what kind of engine and mods i might do, what kind of lift and tires, how would it all work together. Just prove to them that you are capable and understand all the risks and monetary risks that are involved in Bronco ownership. Once I proved to him that I knew what i was talking about, he agreed. I found a good one, and he went with me to look at it, we decided that it was the best deal. Both price and work done by previous owner were good and on track with what i am planning to do. And now, he likes it, maybe not loves it. But he likes to work with me on it and it gives us something to bond over ::). It's great because it keeps me home when I come back from college... :p


Sr. Member
Jul 23, 2002
He he he he he guys, I gotta tell you what! I so say he sould get one, I am 18 and got my FIRST Eb when I was 14. I then worked my ass off and bought this one I have now, then worked my ass off and made it what it is today! My parents saw that it was the EB or a Mustang, and I have one hell of a speed problem, and when the saw the alternitive, they went with the Bronco! I have never rolled mine, the only thing stupid I have done is jump it. That sux. But other then that the thing is a TANK I say go for it! And who knows, maybe one day all of us can get together and finally Stomp out the plegue of Heeps everywhere!!! Good Luck!!!!


well your 16 and you have to listen to your parents to a certain point,but when they got thier first cars they didnt have air bags.
when i got my first car a 67 camaro,my parents co-signed for a loan which i got a job to pay back.you definitly need to pay your own way to show them that you have responsibilty to drive any vehiecle,you can get hurt in any vehicle,air-bags dont always go off,depending on how it gets hit.
or you can save your own money and you will be 18 in a couple of years and buy what you want....


New Member
Mar 4, 2003
Tell him you will buy it fi he pays for the gas. That way he gets his wish and you get yours. $1.75 and 8 miles to the gallon, he wont ever be able to afford to move it from the driveway. ;D