For what it’s worth, on the trail yesterday I came across across more symptoms that point in a few different directions.
While letting the truck idle parked (not wanting to shut it off), the engine began to surge slightly. Less like hunting for idle and more like surging with the pressure of the HP pump. Then it would do this while driving for a little bit.
Then I was having stumbling while maintaining a constant rpm, usually on the rise to a maintained rpm.
I brought up my TPS gauge display, and sure enough it would drop and then come back.
Then while driving on the road the engine lost power completely and I drifted to a stop. I popped the hood to check the fuel pressure and it had fuel pressure (40psi) at cranking, but would not start. I pulled the air hat to add some fuel, started right up, but when I put the air hat back on it dropped rpm significantly. I have a K&N cone filter with a pre filter bag on it, pulled the bag and it seemed to run fine.
3/4 of a mile later it died again next to my tow rig.
So, maybe I’ve got some all of the above going on.
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