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What do you do for a living to pay for your Bronco Addiction


Sr. Member
Aug 29, 2013
I'm a CPA and work for an oil and gas company.
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half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
I guess Broncos have gotten to expensive for regular ole common labor workers? Around here when Broncos could still be bought off the lots (new or used) most the peeps that owned them were just common labors ...factory workers ...constrution workers etc. because most all hunted and fished and loved to go mud riding .

I owned a Bronco sense I was 18 and I've did a lot of different jobs mostly drove a large unit and feel like had I not kept one of the 7 or so that I have owned I just don't think I fit the climate that pretty much work to own one these days?


Bronco Guru
Dec 27, 2005
I attack nuclear power plants. Greatest job in the world. And I metal fab on the side.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona
I install, maintain and repair inside plant fiber optic equipment. I make the internet happen for 120 miles. I can not confirm nor deny that some of my work may or may not include military installations.

I also splice interstate fiber optic cables inside and outside.

I wish I could post a picture from work, but security policy forbids pictures.

It is really impressive to see how fast the technology advances. We can install a new router and then 6 months later remove it for the next better model. I think that if Internet Porn was actually stopped, I would lose my job. I know you guys are keeping me extra busy!!!!!


Full Member
Oct 9, 2003
Boerne, TX
I work in the Semiconductor industry, making everything from high end microprocessors to analog power mgmt chips for smart phones in the 32 years since I started my career at Bell Labs...


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
Im back to taking big pieces of wood and cutting them into little pieces of wood. Then I make them back into big pieces of wood. The new part here is I now tell other people where the big piece of wood goes and make sure it goes in correctly. Then I go ask around to see who else wants a big piece of wood, and it all starts over again.

Production and project management.


Bronco Guru
Sep 5, 2003
Enviromental testing and remediation

Usually at gas stations with leaky tanks
I take soil & water samples and install the underground systems to decontaminate the soil & water
Atlanta members will recognize this location


New Member
Aug 28, 2011
I own and manage a small business that was started in 1870, specializing in providing and marketing inputs for feed mills. Their products are used to grow food for you! Last year I mortgaged my property and invested $1,300,000 and produced 16,244,000 lbs of corn and 1,500,000 lbs of beans. The corn runs the local feed mill for 1 week! That still blows me away....The beans were trucked to a barge on the MS then sent to New Orleans, where they shipped them to China to produce plastic and oil. So guess i'm just an 'ol, "thumbs hooked in my overalls, straw chew'in, tobacky spittin ",Louisiana, dirt farmer.;) For 22 years I have been CEO, equipment operator, shovel man, maintenance man, financial planner and marketing director.
My Wife teaches Junior High Spanish and Computer Lab which basically pays our insurance, taxes ' thanks Obama" and retirement, whatever that is... "
Over the years I also have done industrial welding, and residential construction. I LOVE building houses! Taking one from the dirt to the shingles is a lot like building a Bronco, with the exception you get paid!
Farming is FUN, You do the same thing every year but since your dealing w nature , it's always different and challenging. You get to operate cool , big equipment and play in the dirt. There has seldom been a day I haven't intentionally slid sideways on the dirt roads on the farm, I bet I have more off-road hours than Robby Gordan and Walker Evans combined! Albeit much slower and bumpier;) The mechanics of bringing it from a seed to user product, is like a fast paced ,slow moving race against nature, w huge pit stops!
Last couple of years we did GREAT.;D Next year we hope to break even and keep on going 'til the next marketing boon. The hurricane years are bad.... no hurricanes in 3 years%)......kind'a scary!!!!!
Cool to see all the jobs people do. It takes all of us, to keep us protected, linked, sheltered , moving , healthy and fed!


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2014
I own and manage a small business that was started in 1870, specializing in providing and marketing inputs for feed mills. Their products are used to grow food for you! Last year I mortgaged my property and invested $1,300,000 and produced 16,244,000 lbs of corn and 1,500,000 lbs of beans. The corn runs the local feed mill for 1 week! That still blows me away....The beans were trucked to a barge on the MS then sent to New Orleans, where they shipped them to China to produce plastic and oil. So guess i'm just an 'ol, "thumbs hooked in my overalls, straw chew'in, tobacky spittin ",Louisiana, dirt farmer.;) For 22 years I have been CEO, equipment operator, shovel man, maintenance man, financial planner and marketing director.
My Wife teaches Junior High Spanish and Computer Lab which basically pays our insurance, taxes ' thanks Obama" and retirement, whatever that is... "
Over the years I also have done industrial welding, and residential construction. I LOVE building houses! Taking one from the dirt to the shingles is a lot like building a Bronco, with the exception you get paid!
Farming is FUN, You do the same thing every year but since your dealing w nature , it's always different and challenging. You get to operate cool , big equipment and play in the dirt. There has seldom been a day I haven't intentionally slid sideways on the dirt roads on the farm, I bet I have more off-road hours than Robby Gordan and Walker Evans combined! Albeit much slower and bumpier;) The mechanics of bringing it from a seed to user product, is like a fast paced ,slow moving race against nature, w huge pit stops!
Last couple of years we did GREAT.;D Next year we hope to break even and keep on going 'til the next marketing boon. The hurricane years are bad.... no hurricanes in 3 years%)......kind'a scary!!!!!
Cool to see all the jobs people do. It takes all of us, to keep us protected, linked, sheltered , moving , healthy and fed!

Thanks for putting food on our table. Sounds like an interesting business.
Farming is kind of scary though that we are eating more Roundup with all of the GMOs in our corn and soy, including sodas, etc. with corn syrup.... I am a pharmacist/chemist and feel that if you can invest in GMO free corn, soy, etc., I would do it now, because I think in 5-10 years once people realize what they are eating (what a GMO actually is and that it simply allows farmers to spray Round-up on everything)and more health issues come up, they will be in more demand. Anyway, farmers and the industry get all my respect, but my wife currently wont let me pay one dime for non-organic, GMO, or regular feed fed animals... Anyway, I hope riches come your way!

Farrell Martin

Full Member
Oct 27, 2013
Marietta, GA
Enviromental testing and remediation

Usually at gas stations with leaky tanks
I take soil & water samples and install the underground systems to decontaminate the soil & water
Atlanta members will recognize this location

....the old KMart parking lot. I think it is a Sears Outlet now. Either way, I love me some big Chicken..

- F


Bronco Guru
Nov 24, 2010
I own and manage a small business that was started in 1870, specializing in providing and marketing inputs for feed mills. Their products are used to grow food for you! Last year I mortgaged my property and invested $1,300,000 and produced 16,244,000 lbs of corn and 1,500,000 lbs of beans. The corn runs the local feed mill for 1 week! That still blows me away....The beans were trucked to a barge on the MS then sent to New Orleans, where they shipped them to China to produce plastic and oil. So guess i'm just an 'ol, "thumbs hooked in my overalls, straw chew'in, tobacky spittin ",Louisiana, dirt farmer.;) For 22 years I have been CEO, equipment operator, shovel man, maintenance man, financial planner and marketing director.
My Wife teaches Junior High Spanish and Computer Lab which basically pays our insurance, taxes ' thanks Obama" and retirement, whatever that is... "
Over the years I also have done industrial welding, and residential construction. I LOVE building houses! Taking one from the dirt to the shingles is a lot like building a Bronco, with the exception you get paid!
Farming is FUN, You do the same thing every year but since your dealing w nature , it's always different and challenging. You get to operate cool , big equipment and play in the dirt. There has seldom been a day I haven't intentionally slid sideways on the dirt roads on the farm, I bet I have more off-road hours than Robby Gordan and Walker Evans combined! Albeit much slower and bumpier;) The mechanics of bringing it from a seed to user product, is like a fast paced ,slow moving race against nature, w huge pit stops!
Last couple of years we did GREAT.;D Next year we hope to break even and keep on going 'til the next marketing boon. The hurricane years are bad.... no hurricanes in 3 years%)......kind'a scary!!!!!
Cool to see all the jobs people do. It takes all of us, to keep us protected, linked, sheltered , moving , healthy and fed!

Where are you at in Louisiana?


New Member
Aug 28, 2011
"Thanks for putting food on our table. Sounds like an interesting business.
Farming is kind of scary though that we are eating more Roundup with all of the GMOs in our corn and soy, including sodas, etc. with corn syrup.... I am a pharmacist/chemist and feel that if you can invest in GMO free corn, soy, etc., I would do it now, because I think in 5-10 years once people realize what they are eating (what a GMO actually is and that it simply allows farmers to spray Round-up on everything)and more health issues come up, they will be in more demand. Anyway, farmers and the industry get all my respect, but my wife currently wont let me pay one dime for non-organic, GMO, or regular feed fed animals... Anyway, I hope riches come your way![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the kind words! Wasn't looking for any. Let's save those for guys and Gals who put themselves in harms way for our sakes! Although come to think of it, all of us productive citizens need a good pat on the back and an "Atta Boy " ! It's just another way of earning Bronco money.
On the food issue, Your US Grown food food is safer than ever in History. The EPA is more strict, Farmers, more frugal and careful w the chemicals and products used. We work on, and most live on, or near the farms. We go to classes , have licenses, and work w University research to be efficient and safe.
GMO food is safe. We are all genetically modified as nature has the " survival of the fittest " to weed out the weak. That's what biological engineers do in a nutshell. They spray a bunch of plants w Glyosphate / Round-up and use the ones that survive, to produce more plants with the same characteristics. Before RU and insect resistant "GMO" plants, chemicals used heavily and w little regulations....Kind 'a like Mexico and China are now! Your "organic " food regulations vary wildly! Many produce growers in Mexico send over food sprayed w who knows what and call it "organic". If it doesn't have bug stings ,it probally isn't organic.....
Anyway ,sorry this got on this thread. I share your concerns, I have children and we all eat food!
Lunch break is over, Back to Work!!!!!