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Wondering why you can't complain about certain Vendors

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Dark Star

New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Central USA
Now lets take a look at the scenario that took place a few days ago……………………

A newbie comes out here and Says “consumer alert, don’t buy from JBG”

Now IMO he used some bad wording in the first place, you should never
Imply or hint to imply that you are going to sue, bad idea. Now that all being
said, some 13 or 14 times people said that the ties are terrible, they wouldn’t
run them, or in some cases they made their own. Others said you didn’t have
a prayer on suing Jeff, but you had a strong case on the Manufacturer.
Now Chuck comes out here and stands up for his product, low and behold
it’s not the manufacturers fault anymore, it the installation. Now remember, he
said he followed the instructions, had “zero” movement on his motor. Everyone
has assumed that person either wasn’t very mechanically capable or didn’t know
anything about working on a Bronco. Looking at his second post he said there
was just differences between what he thought was the problem compared to Chucks
opinion and that’s just what it was an opinion (No way Chuck could be 100%
sure that his rad was too close, it’s not in front of Chuck to verify that to be true),
so in Chucks case he made the best decision he could with the available information.
Now He says on how he felt the customer service was lacking on both JBG & Chuck,
(says IMO another stupid comment on “are you ready to defend your product”)
Y’all start in on him like he’s some sort of Anit-Christ. I mean come on, previous posts
put the blame on the manufacturer and the mounting hardware, he followed the instructions
and it’s HIS Fault? If what he says is true, his motor never moved and would have
hit the bottom of the rad before the guard, so then he’s right, it was the failure of the ties
that hold in the guard.
The real pisser of this whole thread was a bunch of you come’n out and say it’s the
manufacturers fault, a dozen or more say the ties are junk, then Chuck admits it’s
his product and y’all switch directions in midstream and say it’s the installation, even
without physically seeing the problem. Is Chuck always right or is it the certain few
that seem to think no matter what happens, someone of Chuck status is not wrong,
no matter what.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not slamming Chuck, it takes a big man to admit it’s his part,
even though he was never mentioned. I’m saying there are a certain few, who are way
to much of a follower type and should maybe step back and look at the problem and help
him solve it instead of calling him names and making him sound inept on his mechanical
abilities, everyone has to start some where once, we’re y’all born a mechanic?

Flame suit properly applied due the fact that no one can say anything bad about any
vendor other than Jeff’s

Yes, I’m a new register, but have been reading this board for almost a year and just
felt that if I had made that post, why would I want to come back…………?


Sr. Member
Jan 4, 2002
The way I see it, it's like calling someone an idiot to their face.
Chuck and other vendors are on this board often, and they reply often. They help many of us out and provide insight and, as a result, they have a number of "get out of jail free" cards. We will give them the benefit of doubt more often than not.
Folks from JBG also monitor this site, but rarely post, so they don't have as many get out of jail free cards and people think they can bash them because they think JBG doesn't read this stuff. Don't get me wrong, JBG has some challenges they need to solve in inventory control but their mistakes are most often aired on this forum.

my $.02


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Ok what was the point%) Anyone has the right to complain about any vendor as long as they try to resolve it with them first. But in defense of all the vendors they do however help keep this site up and running so we can learn about or broncos;)

From Admin
No Vendor Bashing - This doesn't mean you can't complain about vendors, but let's keep it constructive. Before posting any complaint you must contact the vendor and give them the opportunity to correct the situation. All companies make mistakes. It's how they handle the mistakes that sets them apart. If you post before contacting the vendor your post will be removed.


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
Yeah I think it should be in the rules (its one of those unwritten kinda things that people apparently don't get) since it hasn't been understood that your first post should never, ever, ever be a complaint, bash, political, religious, for sale (kinda tacky) or just in general crap first post. If you are so bold as to post up your first post about one of the aforementioned things you are just asking to get flamed, and well deservedly so. Its cool to lurk but post up in less controversial and argumentative threads before tackling one of these. You have to earn a little respect and get grounded in the forum before people will really have any respect for what you say. Starting out with a first thread doing one of the above only makes you seem like an argumentative jerk, not that you necessarilly are but when that is all that you have provided, it has no foundation. I use this forum alot and try to contribute when I can in a positive way, that is what the forum is about and why it is different than most of the other ones out there.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
I think people post complain when they're steaming hot about what happend. They tend to be harsh and bash the seller. Nobody likes vender bashing. Now if you let people know what happen and ask for opinion, people will help you out.



Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I believe you have it all wrong. Go back and read that thread again. The thread originally gave the poster "some" benefit of doubt because they were new here. The conversation went completely against them when they decided that the general opinion of everyone here was that the vendors don't care about pleasing the customers and chose to bash them again after having been warned that it is frowned upon. They not only chose to bash again but chose one of the vendors to bash where the general consensus here is that they go above and beyond to make the customer happy. Improper installation was pointed out as a probable cause of failure long before Chuck made his first post. I still believe that the hardware Chuck is choosing to include with them isn't the best. I also believe the installation probably wasn't correct as it is up to the person installing to be sure it is done properly (Which they admitted was not done). No reason both can't be true. As to complaining about vendors here it really is a bad idea in any case. It seldom ever accomplishes anything other than getting members here riled up about it.


Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
Fix the damn thing and be done with it... No need to come and gripe about it here...

Plus to come here with a 1st post like that? Come on, dude?!
show us pics of your rig.....I wanna see pics of your Currie 9" front axle....and the rear Hi-9

BTW, Welcome to the board..


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
Los Angeles,CA
Why would anyone on this board even give a sh#t what the thread starter thinks.First post/thread and it's a vendor bashing issue.Seriously.Who cares what "Darkstar" thinks.

To quote Saddleup...."It seldom ever accomplishes anything...."


New Member
Jul 20, 2006
SaddleUp said:
As to complaining about vendors here it really is a bad idea in any case. It seldom ever accomplishes anything other than getting members here riled up about it.

I think this quote right here sums up half of the problem that is occurring. It seems like a lot of the posters on this board like to baby the vendors and when something negative is stated about one of the vendors they get riled up. There should be a level of freedom to speak your mind whether you are a newbie (me) or a senior member. Many of the vendors read this board to get feedback on what they are doing right and wrong. If no one is ever allowed to post a negative comment about a vendor or their product, then the vendors will have no implication of what they should try to improve upon.

However, I stated this is HALF of the problem. The other half is that people that want to complain about a product or service they received from a vendor, they nearly always come on and try to undermine the vendor's credibility rather than stating the issue and their frustration in a clear and concise manner. Including phrases such as "Going to sue" or "Don't buy from them" only ignite the fire and do nothing to convey your point.

So in my opinion, we basically need to all find some middle ground. The vendors on this board do too much for the Bronco community to deserve being bashed, but they also do too much for us not to provide them accurate feedback as to what they are doing right AND wrong so that they can see what needs to be worked on and what should be left alone.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
GrantMurray said:
From what I read, it sounded to me like the issue was over and done with before this thread was started.
I think you got something there. I wonder if this post wasn't just a way to get around the fact that the previous thread was closed.%) In fact I am almost certain of it.


Bronco abuser
Apr 17, 2006
If I ever had a real complaint about a vendor, I would limit my post to a generalization, and leave the vendors name out of it. and of course, do all I could with the vendor in question, before comin on here asking how other people would handle it, or how they feel about it. it's just bad form I think to mention specific details about the vendor.
If for no other reason, you'd get non-biased feedback that way.

the only exception being in cases of actual fraud.


Village Idiot
Jun 5, 2005
But since it's been brought back up....
We don't bash because its not nice.
The person bashing is under the illusion he or she is being rational (sp?). Most customers of mine are very reasonable and are easy to accomodate but every so often someone comes along and is out of their freakin mind with all kinds of messed up demands. This person didn't come on this site to ask ideas on how to resolve his issue, just to be a dick and bash JBG (this term is being used not as a personal attack as I do not know this person, just an observation on how they were handling the issue at hand;) ). I personally do not use JBG, but will if needed.
If I bought a pet rock, I wouldn't get all bend because I can't seem to potty train it. Anyone who has seen those plastic ties know they ain't worth a squat. I would NEVER use something like that. I also wouldn't use some of the hose clamps that come with many aftermarket filter, pump kits. Just common sense and experience. By the way, I have bought many items 2-3 times due to my own stupidity. I know there are many others here that have done the same.
I do think he has a legitimate reason to be bent, just don't come here and tattle on someone. Ask questions and try to get it resolved yourself.

I didn't see anyone backpeddling after Chuck owned up to being the guard guy. AND I didn't see anyone going on a which hunt looking for him. He showed himself because that's the kind of person he is and business he runs.
I also assume he would rather deal with issues of this nature as I would, in person, not on a public forum.

As you also seem to be a newbie (we all were at one time) welcome to the board. Hope we get a chance to discuss lots of Bronco tech and repair ideas.


Sr. Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reno, Nv
PDXBronco said:
You have to earn a little respect and get grounded in the forum before people will really have any respect for what you say.

I'm probably going to catch a ration of sh@t for this, but it isn't a popularity contest. Don't get me wrong. I don't like vendor bashing because nobody is perfect and mistakes happen regardles if it is the vendors fault or not. The majority of the time the vendors set their mistakes right, and a lot of the time they will work with the person even if the user is to blame and not the vendor.

People sometimes get a little heated when something goes wrong and lash out to sink blame on someone instead of themselves, or instead of just letting it go and fixing what was broken and moving on with their lives. It's understandable. Like I said pople make mistakes. People need to cool off a little and focus more on the broncos and less on the popularity.


Bronco Guru
May 5, 2003
Grand Junction, CO
Some people take an anonymous interweb discussion board waaaay too serious. %) "Vendor bashing" and simply stating facts and asking for opinions are two very different things. One is okay, one is not.

And for those of you who still don't get it, when you ask for opinions you better be ready for those opinions, even ones that don't agree with yours.


Full Member
May 2, 2005
San Antonio
:-X ;D my reason for "Why you can't complain about certain Vendors" is,......;
Don't get me wrong Darkstar dude,.. I am NOT one to give out compliments,.... let's just say I'm the worlds' #1 cynic :cool: ,... BUT,... I am compelled to emphasize that when it comes to a "righteous" vendor,.... Chuck @ B.C. Broncos gained my IMPLICIT approval ;)
During the grand opening here in Tex. recently, the man,.. even after,. running the business throughout the day, throwing the feast for all of us to feed upon,. providing advice from those seeking it, ALL DAY LONG,... STILL,. took time out in the evening to help AND physically guide us on the installation of a gas tank "skid plate,." now,. for those who are aware,.. that fawker takes patience and precision!!!,..
EVEN SO,... in the seering god-forsaken Texas heat,... he made sure the install was a success!!!:eek: I felt SO guilty during and after the fact,... and yet he was SO generous EVEN though it was his' party,....:eek: :eek:
So,.. in summary,.. let me JUST say,.. I am NOT an ass-kisser, BUT,.. B.C.Bronco are the REAL Mc Coy when it comes to "customer service" :cool: Sally


Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
I have a question.........If the plastic ties are no good, why are they included with the fan guard? Or are they? If they are, then Chuck or whoever should really look at that.
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