I am new skool, old rodder.
Break-n is called "break-in" for a reason. Parts are moving for the first time against each with only a few thou of oil film btw them.
Think of how fast a flat tappet cam grinds off the lobes in perfect conditions where it shouldn't grind off the lobes over 200K miles.
Brand new roller cam needles fail, brand new roller cams fail. Brand new roller rocker needles fail- t's not just old skool stuff dying early.
Think of all the crap from China (or US made) that has a lifespan of 10% of what it should..
OE is SOOOOoooo different than this cheap quality super expensive stuff we build engines with today-no comparison. Heck, Howard's lifters are failing WTH??? is up with that?
So with my short rant, on a brand new OE car do what James said (but you'd better check your oil level every 3k miles) HOWEVER, on a non-OE rebuild like my last one last summer, with all the highest quality (to my limited knowledge), there is no way in heck I would run it 10K miles for a first oil change or recommend it to anyone else because:
1- usually replacement non OE parts aren't the same quality even tho they are stronger (example forged)
2- tolerances at most machine shops who might be using 40+ yr old equipment isn't as high as standard (unless it's Ford Performance who can't follow manufacturers strict regulations)
3- knowledge of person doing the work AND did he perform all the measuring and documenting of all parts and how they fit to make sure the China crap he's installing is spec'd 100% right throughout the build (mini- blueprint)
New engine- not in a brand new vehicle?
Definitely make the first oil change at no more than 500 miles. Get the "not'perfect fit" pcs out of your engine and then enjoy it.