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Search results

  1. O

    Any inexpensive way to get title these days?

    Bought my 74 as a really rough mud truck way back in the day for $300. No title and back then, didn't really care as it was going to be a radical non streetable offroad rig. Have heard the ability to get titles through various means has either dried up, or they charge a significant fee, like...
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    Holley header sale

  3. O

    Re-opening Paragon

    Sounds like about a year and a half. Can't wait, love that place. Info and survey about it here. https://catawissa-recreation-area-ldginc.hub.arcgis.com/pages/survey
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    NJ extended radius arms

    Don't have to be show pieces (but not looking for extended stock arms). What you got? :)
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    New, New Posts button?

    Any chance we can get a new posts button, excluding 2021. It's bad ass and all, but it would be nice not to have to wade through them, to get my EB fix.
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    Hood vs Fender contour

    Finally broke down and got a new hood. Spent couple days aligning, only to think it might not be made right. So drivers side lines up pretty good (heightwise) But pass side, hood is way too high, but only in center (about 8-10 inches back from rear grill edge). Grill area and cowl area...
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    1/8" speed nuts for Sport emblem?

    Only one of my new fenders had the holes, and they don't line up too well with the replacement emblems. 1/8" speed nuts work OK?
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    Any issues with the currently available stock reproduction steel hoods?

    So my virtually "perfect" factory hood that I have, "only" needs one hole filled in the corner, is turning into a nightmare to get right. Not sure how there could be pretty decent corrosion on edges of supports, when they were covered with factory paint and no rust visible at all. Very odd...
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    450HP 7.3L 'Godzilla'

    Is this enough to get you negative nannies over your stroker small blocks :p https://www.svtperformance.com/threads/fords-450hp-7-3l-godzilla-v8-inside-info-spy-pics-wheres-the-direct-injection.1170924/?utm_source=sendy&utm_medium=email&utm_content=email%20newsletter&utm_campaign=2018-11-21
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    Dealer installed spare tire carrier?

    My tire carrier had no internal supports. Grabbed a used set and they aren't even close. Here is my tire carrier and the supports I got. So I figured it's aftermarket, I'll go grab my spare I got off a parts truck a while back. Nope, same deal. What are the odds I have 2 broncos with...
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    Where do you put your portable winch?

    Now that I have body lift, was thinking of mounting a 9K Ramsey I have permanently up front. That was until I saw the rear seat track thread. I'm now thinking of using my 9.5K Warn portable that I normally run on the 79 wheeler. Would make the front much cleaner, the other 95% of the time...
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    6R80 (or new 10 speed) behind small block ford

    Anyone done it? (not 10 speed obviously) Someday, I'm probably not going to want to row this T-18 anymore. Really don't need anything over the mild TB injected 302 I have (or get a cheap stock W at some point and drop TB inj on it). Looks like about 700$ (with shipping) for used F150...
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    Any updates on dual vs single plane manifold, and TBI's?

    Found this. http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277415&highlight=holley+sniper+dual+plane+manifold I already have a Weiand Street Warrior, nicely powder coated and already installed on an 89 5.0 (w/ GT40 heads, stock roller cam with 1.7 roller rockers, headers/duals,, but...
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    Emergency brake switch vs Emerg brake pedal assembly

    So I guess there are two different emerg brake pedals? http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263832&highlight=emergency+brake+light+switch&page=2 I have the one that looks like this, 77 I guess? https://www.tomsbroncoparts.com/product/emergency-brake-pedal-used Not really crazy...
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    Brass clutch rod bushings

    Just got done modifying my clutch rod. Made it 2 inches longer and threaded it to make it adjustable. Looking at bushings and stumbled on these. Anyone use them? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Early-Bronco-Early-Mustang-Clutch-rod-bushing-METAL-PN-EBMCRB/261464757864
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    2" body lift, help with stock front dress and electric fan?

    Ended up with a body lift, so can't really use stock shroud. Does a 2" body lift move stock WP snout far enough away (from center) to help get an electric fan in? I've also thought of maybe moving drivetrain back 1/2 or 3/4" if that would get enough (and for that matter, does a body lift give...
  17. O

    Is EB worth restoring from rusted hulk with expectation of breaking even

    Got "our" 59 bird for 8600 and maybe have about 12 total into it. There is no way I could have restored it to where it is for that kind of coin. (It "might" be worth 15 to 18, tops). I don't think there are many vehicles out there that can be fully restored, and then get your money back...
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    Pic of Sniper wiring harness, showing built in FP relay and wiring

    Searched all over the web, but can't find the exact details on this relay (instructions that show FP relay wiring are vague). I don't have a Sniper yet, and want to pre-wire as much as I can. I just don't want to buy the system a year ahead of time and find out something does not work, that...
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    NJ C5AE-6380-E Flywheel, surface cut and new ring gear

    Had this re-surfaced and a new ring gear installed. Put about 50 miles on it and then had engine problems. Decided to use newer 5.0 engine. This was on my 70 when I bought it.
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    Purple dash wire identification @ Rear inner wheel well wiring clips

    Any idea what this wire is for? Seems to be coming from ign switch area. and where can I get the clips that hold taillight wiring harness to inner fender?