Jr. Member
Are you running a canister purge solenoid?
No, I am not
Are you running a canister purge solenoid?
No, I am not
Cleaned injectors, but how do they spray? And honestly as long as they spray this should not be your WOT accel issue, that would be more idle issues.
If you are 100% sure fuel is not the issue, then next step is ignition, might try some junkyard pull offs to save dough. wires, ignition packs, change plugs and verify correct heat range and gap.
Or at this point it is driveable, I would take it to a ford dealer let them scan it and give you a part sheet to be replaced. Dealer software far more detailed than government OBD II generic info.
OK not really familiar with this setup yet, does it run an iac?
I believe 73AZ's recommendation may be your best option at this point. How close is the nearest dealership?
IAC should not be an issue if it idles good, unless it sticks open causing a leak.I won't 100% rule out fuel, but I know my tank/pump/lines up to the rail are good. There shouldn't be a problem with the rail itself. Regulator is good. Injectors are clean. I connected them to a 9volt and ran brake cleaner through them and they all sprayed evenly, so I'm assuming thats ok. I still need to ensure pressure does not drop while driving. It's the last check Garry emailed me about.
I changed the cps, cam sync, and maf. I have not changed the tps or iac. I don't know if either of those could cause this. I looked up how to test them and it was like greek to me. I am going to do plugs, wires, and coil packs next. The plugs are new as well as the wires, but I won't count them out as the problem. It is drivable to get it to the local Ford dealer. I'll check in with them today to see if they can run a test for me.
I used this...
Just changed My in tank fuel pump. Explorer pump. 90psi FYI
Have you gone to pick and pull and grabbed some spare coil packs to test?
I had a stall issue. Changed the iac and tps. Fixed my stall issue.
Without going back over the discussion completely, does your new engine have a new cam too? Or is it the original Explorer camshaft still?
Just thinking outside the box in case your cam has the different firing order.
I'm guessing it would not though, since if the spark plug wires were not wired per the cam's order, it would run like crap all the time. Not so much with the injectors.
Your diagram about the firing order made me think about that.
I'm not sure what, if anything, assembly wise would cause these symptoms. Timing chain, valve adjustment? Count those problems out due to the runs well in the driveway but not driving symptom?