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2.5" SL lift- do I really need a trac bar drop bracket?


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Not that many people actually do it, but it's been a time proven way of getting just that much more clearance at that pesky leading edge of the rear wheel opening.
And the 1" longer wheel base should actually help. Even off-roaders like a little more for climbing the rocks.
Some just do it for the aesthetics too.

You don't always need a longer driveshaft. Just depends on your setup. Most probably don't, but it never hurts to plan for it.
Just as with all other suspension mods though, don't go out buying a new shaft until you know it's needed!


.94 OR

Bronco Guru
Jul 5, 2009
I welded on new longer perches on my axle that had additional holes to move the axle back. If you go this route it will change your pinion angle slightly. This may be a tripping point if you are close on your angle before doing this. A shim may work, or you may need to change perch angle if installing a lift at the same time.


Sr. Member
Jul 16, 2012
Thanks so much. I hope this helps other folks too.

I have the WH 1" body lift already. After buying all my nos front and rear qtr panels and fenders, etc..., because they came up for sale and couldn't pass them up, now it's time to get after the frame, suspesion, drivetrain (I have a temporary mid-90s 302 with serpentine completely rebuilt going in for a year or two, and will rebuild by stock 302), etc...

One last question if you don't mind. I was reading some other posts that for a LUBR with the 31" tires and the stock rims (which I assume have the 4.5" backspace for a LUBR), that moving the rear axle back 1" "helps" center the wheel in the rear wheel well and also helps "smooth out the ride" because of the sligthly longer wheel base.

I have seen a bunch of lubr photos, and the rear axle seems too far forward just ever so slightly from an aesthetics standpoint.

Do many folks move the axle back 1" for a lubr"? Other than the obvious longer driveshaft, does it "mess up" the front or rear geometry of an otherwise stock setup with a 2.5" lift"?

The concept of moving the axle back a tad sounds interesting and as thought it would be good.

Thanks in advance.
Pic1 With the axle moved back and 30x9.50 about 1.25" back from stock. appears to just tuck/fit 33's like this. I would roll the lip if though and probably do 1" vs my 1 25"

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