We JUST got home from unloading the bronco. It rolled right off the trailer, & directly onto the lift. .
On the the lift for what? What's next on your list?
What everyone accomplished was indeed quite the list..but I was personally disappointed that the roll cage assembly fell off the end of the list*. I take the hit there for trying to bite off more than we could collectively chew when I made up the list, and
especially for not considering and taking in to account that I was about useless myself thanks to back surgery. It's hard getting used to not being able to do stuff that you took for granted for about ever... but next year, I'll be baaaack.;D
Meanwhile, big thanks to those who had my back on the tasks I was figuring to be more hands on with.
*although I do deserve a few bonus points for being able to lay hands on a complete EB 9" big bearing rear in under two hours flat..right?