6r weighs 213#. Check 5 bags at airport at 50#'s each. Get two free bags and pay $50 each for the other three bags full of 6r80 "parts" and for $150 your trans is in Hawaii and ready for assembly! lol

Very creative.
I'm just posting this for anyone who was following.
I got my 6R80 from Car Part Planet. It came out of a 2014 V8 F-150 4X4. I had to pay an added $75 to have it shipped to my house. Shipping to a commercial address is free. It sounds like people found them for quite a bit less than what I paid but this is what I could find when I was looking. I'm still going to replace the Lead Frame. I've watched some videos on the YouTube and it looks pretty straight forward.
I decided to go with the Speed Gems Adapter, they offer a package deal. If you buy the US Shift Quick Six Stand Alone controller at the same time from them, you save $125.
For the transmission cooler I bought one from Power by the Hour.
I bought a rebuilt Transfer Case from Toms Bronco Parts. I had a T.C. but it was a basket case. I think it was pretty complete comparing it to images of parts breakdowns, I know for sure I didn't have the main drive gear.
I bought some Motor Mounts, the Transmission to T.C. adapter and the 6R80 Transmission Cross Member from Wild Horses.
Cool story on the Wild Horses order. When I placed the order, the address was right, but I didn't catch that my computer had put in the incorrect zip code, DAMN YOU AUTOFILL!!! The day before the order was supposed to be deliver, a Sunday BTW, I caught my mistake. I was able to make the correction on the shippers website but being that it was a Sunday I wanted to double check with the shipper on Monday morning. In the morning after having to deal with the shippers stupid computer phone system I spoke with a gentleman who made sure the corrections were made, didn't seem like the online changes I made Sunday were in place but maybe I remember incorrectly. Anywho, I was told that if the order wasn't delivered on Tuesday/Wednesday at the latest (since the drive time between zip codes was two hours or less) go ahead and call back. Come Friday I still hadn't received my order, so I called back. After having my inquiry “escalated and investigated” I heard back on Saturday. Saturday! Apparently, my order had been lost. I was informed to contact the Vendor and inform them of this. I kind of thought this was weird but, okay.
Come Monday, I call Wild Horses and tell them what I was informed. I get put on hold for like three minutes, about 20 times shorter than I had to spend lost in the shippers phone system, I was told they were able to confirm that the shipper had lost my order somewhere in one of their warehouses. They looked up my order and resent me everything, no more questions asked other than if anything from the original order shows up to let them know. The crossmember and the adapter actually showed up. I called and they gave me UPS return shipping numbers. I retaped the boxes because they were pretty banged up andÂ…Bada-bing! Bada-boom! Bob was my uncle! Done and done!
Saying all this because after receiving some great advice from all who were gracious enough to comment but especially BRONCOBOWSHER and from NVRSTUK, I felt like I was on the right path.
I'm going to start a build thread, not because I'm so impressive that there'll be so much original content but because I want to just document it for when I sell it for $100K+. Really it goes back to advice from a member here.