He replied to my text saying " It has a stop at Rev, you do have to do a lot to go around it to Park, it's what the Rock crawler guys use, no problem."
That being said, I can't remember the number of direction changes it takes on his VX to go from P to D or "M" with our 6r's.
I know that for the amount I dirve my Bronco I can't deal with the 7 direction changes it used to take EVERY TIME I go from Park to D with my Winters before I modified the shift gates. Repeat that for every time I go from Drive to Park... get's OLD fast when you make let's say 10 stops every day. Quick math works out to 140 back and forths and ups and downs....
No wonder I almost cut the shifter handle in two after a few years and Winters gave me a hardened shifter shaft as a replacement because I use my Bronco a lot.