...So I checked the module and it is blue but so was the one on it I removed.
The plugs all match up but one has 2 wires (red, white) the other side of plug has 3 (Red, blueish, brown). The other plug has 4 wires that all seem to match.
Right or wrong module?
No. If it had a blue module before and worked, then a blue module is the correct one to replace it with. There is only one module of each color. You can't go wrong by replacing like with like here.
In most cases, the wrong module won't even attach to the connectors.
And not to worry about the power leads having a 3-wire plug on the chassis side and only a 2-wire plug on the module side. Or vice versa even. As long as the tabs and guides and contacts line up, and power gets to the correct sport, you're good to go.
It was just one of the running changes Ford made and, for seemingly no reason, didn't change the number of wires in the plug.
Last night we checked the power wires to module and it seems to register 12v with switch on but we didn't test cranking.
No real need to test cranking voltage at this point because ON voltage will still power up the module.
Keep the old module, and keep as an option swapping it back in if nothing else works, but for now keep the new module in place.
Thoughts on why the coil has no spark?
Well, let's test the coil.
For starters, with the key ON and power at the positive side of the coil, take a jumper wire and touch the negative side of the coil to a good ground. Each time you touch and release this ground wire (the trigger for the coil) you should get a good healthy spark from the coil.
If you don't, then let's dig deeper.