With some big Cibié Super Oscars!;D
I had think about that,,,, It's not going to be a racer but its taken some of that retro look DNA along with some useless embellishment (but it looks cool to me)

. It is planned to have some big ole honking lights but I was thinking a slightly different approach and incorporating some of the same characteristics. The fab guy may chase me away with axe ;D if I keeping coming u with stuff but he has no worries as my pocketbook will run out before that. Here's where its at now and supposed to get it minus the top tomorrow so I can drive it.
The top is still under construction as we're working out the back and how we can make it "tie in" with my truck but also maybe a universal look that someone else can possibly use. This top is a open back design,,, so a more than a bikini top and not quite a full enclosed half cab. You can still get the open air wind effect and all you tall guys (n gals) can't breathe a little easier as I'm 5'11" and big hair. ;D It will be raptor lined and I will report on the "noise" factor after road testing. This top was made from scratch, (flat sheets of aluminium) no plans or design, just a crazy idea, some photos and his mad skills.
Be nice about my paint scheme ,,, at least I didn't make it pink;D