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Bad experience with B.C. Broncos


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
Lets keep it goin!!!!

Ok ok.......Whats the worst experince you have had with a vendor??

Huh...aite let's go ramble some more;D

I'm gonna call bullshit on this one RebelRider. Go start a separate thread with your name on it if you want to harm people, AKA our vendors.
This thread exists because Fordman wanted to be as vindictive as possible toward Chuck because of 6 dollars in shipping, and when he makes a threat AKA a "promise" he follows through no matter what. And the reason this thread has gone on this long is because Chuck is a sincere vendor who is well thought of and appreciated by many and instead of being beat up most people jumped in and added pages and pages of lighthearted joking or photos as a gesture of drowning out Fordman. So it's one thing to start this thread if you are as disgruntled as Fordman was, it's entirely another to try to come in and intentionally provoke harmful things within a thread that should have already died.


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
I bet if you order a windshield gasket they will charge you more than $6.80. I think shipping is over rated and alot of people are making money off the shipping alone. Then they bitch about it when someone has to return something, costing the customer even more money.
Several people have brought up how much money we make on stuff and shipping but the money was never the issue for myself or Fordman. I doubt you will believe me but as it seems you think you know how much I make I will tell you about this gasket. I make nothing on shipping. Some things are more somethings are less but 25% is about average. Retail is $45, my cost is $31. I get that great deal because I bought in for $10,000. Out of the big $14 I make I pay the shipping to me, the labor to unpack it, count it, put it on a shelf, repack it, buy a box and packing stuff, pay the office people to take the order, process the order, pay the 4% bank fees and tax and all the other overhead costs. Things like a building, computors, phone system, answering machine, tools, utilitys the list is close to endless. I am not complaining and I do make a little money but nothing like people think. As I have said before, it's a good thing I like what I do because I made a lot more money when I had a real job that I didn't like.


Bronco Virtuoso
Oct 17, 2007
God's Country
I think I can kill it. Fordman, I talked to DC this morning and they are sending you a new gasket. They said to through the 3 cornered one away but it's already here. I would like to keep it so will send the postage of $6.80 to you for it.
My hat is off to Dennis Carpenter for stepping up and sending Fordman a new gasket! And to Chuck for refunding him his shipping charges. Without 200 post it would have never happened....;) Congratulations Fordman!


Full Member
Feb 9, 2009
Pasadena MD
I think this thread has had legs because of one thing: On this site, it is extremely frowned upon to complain about bad experiences with vendors. In itself, this is a good thing. There are not many and they are valued by all of us. Nobody wants any of them to disappear, so as to reduce our diminishing supplies of beloved bronco stuff. We talk about absolutely everything except the bs experiences we have. This policy makes vendors relatively immune to constructive criticism from the bronco community, which might might make their business better, or they may get a little complacent, because of the protection they receive in the community. I was relieved to hear someone else had a bad experience with one of our vendors, now I know I'm not the only one. I was dismayed to hear that chuck is no longer having company lunch, I think that is a good thing for morale. A $20 answering machine that said "Hey, we're at lunch, we'll give you a call when we get back, just leave your name and # at the beep" would keep fordman or whoever from calling over and over to sort things out. That's frustrating. Sorry for keeping this going, but I think it's a good thing if a community that is served by a small number of companies communicates with eachother. Anyways, here's 2 really nice asses.
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Bronco Guru
Jul 12, 2006
D.C. replaced a part I bought from another vendor -Not Chuck-when the one I bought it from would not even talk to me about it. I have always had great service from Chuck and Tom.


Bronco Guru
Aug 13, 2004
travis What were you sayin? sorry was just lookin at the pics!


Bronco Guru
Mar 22, 2004
I want to keep this thread going if for no other reason than the great visuals! But, alas, i wish Jon would just close this down. It's been beat to death!

I like Chuck and BCB! Why? Because he is one of us. He is passionate about Bronco's, and brings us a lot of great, innovative products. A lot of times he comes up with new products, such as the quarter panel protectors, and other times he takes an existing product made for Bronco's, and makes them better, like the Vintage Air AC system. The Bronco world is better because of people like him that keep the hobby alive.

I think we need to shut this thread down, and open a whole new thread where Revelation and Travis77 can post real, meaningful content. Who's with me?


Bronco Guru
Sep 9, 2001
I want to keep this thread going if for no other reason than the great visuals! But, alas, i wish Jon would just close this down. It's been beat to death!

I like Chuck and BCB! Why? Because he is one of us. He is passionate about Bronco's, and brings us a lot of great, innovative products. A lot of times he comes up with new products, such as the quarter panel protectors, and other times he takes an existing product made for Bronco's, and makes them better, like the Vintage Air AC system. The Bronco world is better because of people like him that keep the hobby alive.

I think we need to shut this thread down, and open a whole new thread where Revelation and Travis77 can post real, meaningful content. Who's with me?
I'm with ya!

Chuck...you ain't no different then the rest of em, that's for sure!


New Member
May 3, 2010
Renton Washington
J C GD If it will kill this thread I will pay for your shiping. Plus intrest I would rather be talking about hanging chimos, Bashing heeps, pink tuxsidos. anything I'm sory your feeling got hurt let's move on.


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
I think this thread has had legs because of one thing: On this site, it is extremely frowned upon to complain about bad experiences with vendors. In itself, this is a good thing. There are not many and they are valued by all of us. Nobody wants any of them to disappear, so as to reduce our diminishing supplies of beloved bronco stuff. We talk about absolutely everything except the bs experiences we have. This policy makes vendors relatively immune to constructive criticism from the bronco community, which might might make their business better, or they may get a little complacent, because of the protection they receive in the community. I was relieved to hear someone else had a bad experience with one of our vendors, now I know I'm not the only one. I was dismayed to hear that chuck is no longer having company lunch, I think that is a good thing for morale. A $20 answering machine that said "Hey, we're at lunch, we'll give you a call when we get back, just leave your name and # at the beep" would keep fordman or whoever from calling over and over to sort things out. That's frustrating. Sorry for keeping this going, but I think it's a good thing if a community that is served by a small number of companies communicates with eachother. Anyways, here's 2 really nice asses.
If there is a don't bash vendors policy it doesn't seem to work for me. I have an expensive phone system that takes messages but on any day I answer between 15 and 45 calls plus return calls. I don't rush people so sometimes they talk for over 30 min. when I return from lunch the phone is ringing and I have a pile of notes to return calls so end up on the phone most of the PM, that means I have no time to check messages so people call days later mad and wanting to know why I have not returned their call or when I finally get a chance to get messages and return a call I often hear "I have already bought the part someplace else" so I turned off the leave a message part and have a message that says I am either on another line or am out to lunch. I can't even have the message say we will be out to lunch from 12 to 1 because people call at 5 til 12 and want to ask important questions or place an order. I can't say sorry, we were just leaving for lunch so sometimes I can't leave for lunch until 12:30. I set my hrs to cover as much as I can. We are in TX and open at 9, that makes it 11 on the east coast but 7 on the west coast. Most people start work at 8 so that gives the west coast an hr. We are open until 5:30 PM which is 7:30 east coast time so they have a chance to call after work. The down side is lunch, if we close for lunch at 12-1 the east coast has lunch at 2-3 TX time and the west coast has lunch 10-11 TX time. Other than being extra busy on both sides of our lunch the mid of the country is having lunch at the same time as we are.


Bronco Guru
Mar 22, 2004
I just received an order from Chuck today. Woohoo! Gonna get the old rustbucket on the road again this weekend! Thanks! Everything came on time, and was well packaged.

To the topic at hand, the Bronco parts industry is relatively small niche market, as I already mentioned. Nobody is going to die while a few vendors are out to lunch. if you live half way across the country, you can't resolve an issue and have the parts arrive while drinking a cup of coffee. You can't e-mail parts. Sh!t happens! If you can't afford $6 in shipping, you can't afford 2 gallons of gas! You can't afford a Bronco! This world is too stressful as it is. If you're having a bad day, no reason to make somebody else have one too.

Chuck, i say keep your lunch schedule as is. Keep bringing us great products. I think it's great you can follow your dream and build a business on Bronco's. No matter what you do, there will always be a sourpuss who isn't satisfied. You have the right to do business with who you wish, and hang up on who you wish. This is America! You have done this industry a great service not only by the great products you provide us, but also the FREE advice you have given on this site over the years, as well as individual advice over the phone to countless customers. You don't just come on here to announce new products, or discuss their virtues, but also give advice about technical questions in general. I know I have learned a lot from your input on this site. Keep up the good work!

bronco italiano

Bronco Guru
Feb 1, 2004
Wow what an enthusiastic thread.

-Chuck I have bought many parts from you over the years.
1-Being able to talk with you on the phone is awesome.
2-You make some very cool parts/mods for our beloved Broncos
3- Some parts work well and other have issues and I have had both.

Growing fast and still being a small family run company can be painfull as more sales are expected to leave with the same amount of staff. Thus their are issues with parts that may not work well or not at all when attempting to install.

- I am one of those customers who has experienced these issues and was grateful to have been able to discuss these issues with you personally on the phone.

-But I see the same pattern with your return policy, "You pay the shipping back and I will send you a replacement part...".

-I was disappointed when I purchased your gorgeous canvas top that had a damaged box and damaged powdercoating. It was a good thing I refused it on the spot from my past experiences with your "return shipping policy". Again I was grateful to speak with you on the phone but you were unreasonable about wanting me to pay for return shipping with the replaced parts because UPS said your company failed to package it appropriately. You took the joy out of buying that gorgeous top. Chuck did eventually send a new box at his expense but it was after "encouragement" on my behalf.

-Chuck I love your innovative parts/ideas/being able to talk with you!!! But you have to be Reasonable when your company sends out parts that are not checked for damage/defects prior to shipping.

-I will still and always buy parts from your company and hopefully be able to talk with you on the phone as you invent more cool parts for the Bronco, but I do dread receiving a faulty part from you because I know the policy.....

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Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2011
North Metro, MN
when I return from lunch the phone is ringing and I have a pile of notes to return calls so end up on the phone most of the PM, that means I have no time to check messages so people call days later mad and wanting to know why I have not returned their call or when I finally get a chance to get messages and return a call I often hear "I have already bought the part someplace else"

Like i said earlyer...if folks cant deal with your "lunch time" maybe you should have your calls forwarded overseas to a group of people that can assist you with answering the phone. Then when you get back from lunch these folks will still be on the phone trying to figure out what the "overseas" people are saying, and you can just take the call and get them there merchandise. No lost sales then! Hopefully! Its the new american way!

Either wait for Chuck to eat his lunch....or talk jiberish to some sand people....your choice


Bronco Wrencher and Fixer
Jan 6, 2004
Redcliff Alberta

This is TOFIC as you well know

I have dealt with you both as a buyer of parts and, and as some of you know the owner of Gear Gawkers, which I sell my product to BC Broncos.

When I introduced Gear Gawkers to the market I had my choice of dealers in the US. I have dealt with them all but I waited for the dealer I wanted and got - - - BC Broncos!!

So keep up the good work and I know we will be doing business, both buying and selling, for many years to come.

Don't let the occasional disgruntled individual bother you or cause you to change a already fine way of doing business.

Don't change a thing, great products at a fair price. Deal fairly and equally with everyone and I will be pleased to call you my business partner and friend

Yours very truly
D.R. Walker
Gear Gawkers Ltd.
Redcliff Alberta Canada