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Bad roll today. I'm done and getting out of 4wheeling.


Full Member
Jul 19, 2005
Montgomery, TX
I completely understand your initiative to get out of wheeling. That right there is the reason I am not building a rockcrawler. I will stick with mud and trails. I would encourage you to rebuild the parts of your rig and make it into a worthy trail rig. Nothing more than a camping rig that you can enjoy. I don't know if you have kids or not, but they would definitely enjoy growing up going camping with their dad. But whatever your decision, please stick around and share your wisdom with the rest of us. I'm sure the rest of us would agree that we need your experiences and technical wisdom to make our rigs safe.

Aug 2, 2005
Hang in there

Most of my near death experiences came from the, horse power of two,
rm 400 suzuki's motocross bikes.
I was to stupid and ran them like banshee's.
I had a 62 cj5, and dam near rolled it a couple of times, almost only
counts in hand grenades and horse shoes.
I have a stocker 70 bronco, Oh I forgot I am 50 yrs young, and I still like to
My advice would be to de-compress for a little while, cowboy, and climb
back on.
Build a nice street bronco, then move into the hills.
just my two cents worth.
steve 1970

Irish proverb " May you be dead, and in heaven, three days before the devil
knew you died"


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I've been in a few rolls. Nothing though that sounds as bad as what this is though. My worst was in my old CJ5 and that amounted to flipping it back on 4 wheels and pulling the windshield frame and top off to drive it back. The others were pretty slow and didn't even break any windows.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2003
HawleyTX, La orig.
I will echo the sentiments of everyone else by saying I am glad you were able to walk away. After all, you built your cage to do exactly what it was designed to do...it did bend a little, but you were able to walk away. I hope you reconsider about getting totally out of 4 wheelin..maybe just keep away from such things. Like Scott said below, some of my best memories with my dad have been just going camping and getting to our favorite hunting spot. I would hate to see your kids miss out on that.. I know you don't need a Bronco to do that, but you are and always be a part of the Bronco brotherhood...and I would hate to loose your expertise.. Especially now you can say this cage design works...check out the pics...

But either way, we have your back if you decide to sell it completely, but don't be a stranger around here..


Full Member
Apr 18, 2005
Windsor, CO
Here is a pic of where the roll actually started and where I ended up. I think it gives the best perspective of what actually happened.



Bronco Guru
May 13, 2004
Katy/Galveston, TX
WOW!!! :eek: :eek: I think that pic really does put it into perspective, much better than the others. Glad to hear that you guys were able to walk away uninjured.


Bronco Guru
Aug 27, 2001

Really sorry to hear about the roll, but I am glad you all are O.K. That looks like a really nasty spot. You have to promise to build a stocker, or nice street Bronco for us to see.

Take care,



Bronco Wrencher and Fixer
Jan 6, 2004
Redcliff Alberta
Most of my near death experiences came from the, horse power of two,
rm 400 suzuki's motocross bikes.
I was to stupid and ran them like banshee's.
I had a 62 cj5, and dam near rolled it a couple of times, almost only
counts in hand grenades and horse shoes.
I have a stocker 70 bronco, Oh I forgot I am 50 yrs young, and I still like to
My advice would be to de-compress for a little while, cowboy, and climb
back on.
Build a nice street bronco, then move into the hills.
just my two cents worth.
steve 1970

I agree with Steve. Yes, you got shaken up, Yes, you are now thinking of others (family) but you are still you. Chill out for a significant amount of time, talk to the family and take some guidance from them. Never give up what you are, change yes, quit being you never
The old fart in canada, who is still 56 and a kid at heart.


Jr. Member
Jan 28, 2003
WOW, I mean WOW!! That kind of experience will definately change your outlook on life. I gave up motorcylcles 20+ years ago for the same reasons. Near death experiences are an opportunity to evaluate what truely is important in your life. I never had a roll-over like that one, but certainly wheeled a lot crazier before taking stock of what is truely important. I still have the same Bronco I started with 32 years ago, and enjoy it as a daily driver. You might, after a cool-down period, consider a street/mild trail rig. Broncos are still fun to drive as a daily driver. My daughter (now 21) has laid claim to my rig when I'm gone, if I'm not buried in it. :D Old Broncos can make great memories with/for your kids, just keep it sane! Really glad to hear you and your passenger were able to walk away! You obviously have talent to build something that withsands that kind of violent catastrophy. If you're not a church going fellow, you might consider it for the future. Obviously the Good Lord has more for you to do on this earth. Best of luck with what ever you decide.


C-4 Wizard
Nov 11, 2002
Really glad you and your passenger are OK! Sorry you lost your rig. I have been in a rollover too, although not nearly as bad as you experienced. Sorry you decided to throw in the towel. I still love 4-wheelin but it has changed me somewhat. The priority has changed from what hill can be challenged, to simply what places my rig can take me. I use it mainly on trails, dunes, and desert exploration. You will do what you have to and I understand and totally respect your decision. Hope you wont be a stranger here but if it stirs up bad memories then we understand. Someone I know destroyed his bronco in a rollover and he didnt have a straight panel left or a single window intact. The frame and drivetrain survived so he put the chasssis under a porthole pinto wagon. Wish I had pictures, the finished product turned out pretty tight. It always turns heads when we take it off road and go places that 2x's cant. You might wanna take a few weeks to chill and reflect then make your decision, if nothing else to make sure you will have no regrets.


Jr. Member
Jul 20, 2005
Las Vegas
WOW glad to hear you and your passenger are alright! That last picture definitely puts life into perspective!


Bronco Guru
Sep 8, 2003
Land of Entrapment
Believe it or not... I have a buddy in CA who went Side over Side down 300/400' drop when he and his pops went snowboarding in Big Bear. He's from SLO and had it in the papers but, I just checked and the article is no longer found.

Worst part about it... he was in a Jeep with a stock roll cage.

The good news: Both men lived, Dad's seatbelt broke and he was ejected from the Jeep and suffered 3 broken ribs, left arm and lacerations to his right arm. Driver suffered a broken nose and lacerations to his head/face.

That's not even while 4 wheeling. That's a day trip to Big Bear for a day of snowboarding.

Moral of the story is, things happen. Sure, 4 wheeling is a dangerous sport. But, don't quite completely. Build a mild rig and enjoy the trails as they were meant to be enjoyed. We don't need to go over the biggest damn rock pile out there just because it's there. If I can enjoy the trip by going around safely... I'm driving around.

Glad you and your buddy are OK. Hope you don't quit 100%


Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2003
Gardendale Al
WOW!!!! :eek: :eek: Thank the good Lord above that you two made it out OK. That just goes to show you that there is still purpose in you life and you are needed here on earth. Hope you get to feeling better!!


Bronco Guru
May 15, 2003
Glad to hear you two are OK, that looks scary. The Good Lord was watchin out for you. I respect your decision, all though, I hope you don't make yourself a stranger around here. You have a lot of good advice. You're the reason I tried PRP racing seats ;D , and I love them. Anyway good luck with whatever you plan on doing.



Bronco Guru
Apr 22, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
but please don't go.
God has another plan for you, perhaps it's to keep you building those cages to save everyone else.

but if you must, do whatever it is that makes you happiest.
i'm sad to see you go.
good luck in future endeavors. :-*


Full Member
Aug 9, 2003
Chesterfield, MI
HOLY BUCKETS BATMAN!!!! What a complete reality check this is. Sorry to hear about your day. I am very glad to hear you and your passenger walked away!!!!!

I was coming here to talk about a great day wheeling. I went places I never dreamed of getting into and back from. I have been on such a high.

Something that may be getting lost in the immediate aftermath of this event is the great positive story that your experience in Bronco building, using the right components, and going where you went in the rig you did helped you walk away to tell the story. Thank you for sharing this story with us, hopefully it helps us all focus a little closer on safety and helps someone else live to tell the tale.

God bless you and your family!


Full Member
Apr 18, 2005
Windsor, CO
JaxLax said:
but please don't go.
God has another plan for you, perhaps it's to keep you building those cages to save everyone else.

but if you must, do whatever it is that makes you happiest.
i'm sad to see you go.
good luck in future endeavors. :-*

I will still build cages and such. After some real world testing it may make my business pick up a little. ;D

Anyone needs a cage in SoCal, look me up!


Full Member
Dec 22, 2002
Broncoholics said:
And dead serious about it.

Today I was involved in a horrific rollover on Pucker Canyon in Stoddard Valley. On the upper drop in, the ass again went over teakettle. Problem with this is that I rolled four or five times down a 100ft ravine. These were violent, hard, high speed rolls. Yet it could have been a lot worse, as the bronco stopped just before going off the 2nd tier. If it had, we would have gone at least another 300ft. Amazingly, myself and Carl Case actually walked away from it with no major injuries. I am here today only because of pure luck, a good cage, and because the guy upstairs must not have wanted to meet me so soon.

This was by far the worst roll I have seen anyone go thru and actually walk away from. The bronco is toast and will be parted out. And, at this point I do not see myself building another rig in the near future. In all honesty, I am suprised that I am actually alive today given the severity of what happened. It amazed me that the cage and rig held up as well as it did too. I just can't see myself wheeling again. My life flashed before my eyes today, and it was unlike anything I experienced in my previous rolls. My family does not need to go thru life without their father/husband. So, at this point, I am calling it quits.

Check the for sale section for everything I am planning on getting rid of.

Well I'll start with............ I'm glad that you
are both ok and still with us today! I'm sure you are very happy that you spent the money & time on such a well built cage to help protect you for such an occasion.
While as horrific as it was, I too have rolled and while no
where near as bad, it was a very awakening.
Like others have said, I have been hit twice, hit 1 car and layed my motorcylce down some 5 times. I've seen people
with compound fractures and I've seen people die in front of me while riding street bikes. As I have gotten older my riding habits have changed (knowing if I go down, I will damn well not be as lucky when I was younger), but I still enjoy riding hard. Same goes for my off roading, while not as adventurous in my younger years, I still enjoying trail driving, mud bogging in my Bronco, safely and wisely.
Either way you go, the decision is yours and you will make the choice that best fits you!

Good luck............