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Back From the Dead
Nov 29, 2001
I can't believe this hasn't been locked and that i just wasted my entire lunch on it. You know, alot of inference has been made but the truth is that we can read Brian's post and see them as calm, whiny or rude. Many of my other bronco brothers posts left no doubt that they meant to be rude. I make no judgment on BCB or Brian because I can't experience both sides of the story as they did but to read attacks on a forum member for his opinion really bothers me. Both parties involved could be both wrong at the same time but the atttacks and comments were all wrong. Brian, I am very impressed that you stood your ground amongst the BCB fans. A negative opinion of BCB won't earn you many friends here Chuck, I commend your professionalism displayed in this thread. Everyone else...Welll.....Today, I am ashamed of this forum.
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Bronco Guru
Feb 23, 2006
x2 should be locked or deleted!

I would have to disagree, this should be welcomed here (not the name calling, or personal attacks) as long as admins rules have been followed. And I think to be Technical the OP did follow the rules just not some Members timeline. And if everyone shut their month about piss poor service, parts, attitudes, Etc... Etc... Then how are the vendors themselves going to know where they need to step up their game?
Yes sometimes these topics can be a little too much for fragile personalities, and out of peoples comfort zones and they should stay away (but they can't, they have to slow down to look at the car wreck also). There will always been strong opinions in favor of one party or the other, hell I have very strong opinions on these matters also but chose to show the vendors I support by spending my money with them exclusively. Breaks over time to go back to work, thanks everyone for sharing!! Remeber to take deep breaths, smile and wish everyone a good day!


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
I'm locking this thread. Both the original poster and vendor have had their say and IMHO the horse was beaten to death a few pages ago. Still I was OK letting it continue beyond that, but some of you need some serious reminding of the rules of this site. If you can't restrain yourself from personal attacks then you need to find a new forum to frequent. Show some class and give some respect to your fellow members and their opinions.
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