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Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2007
This thread is about customer service from BCB

Which is not good.

Just look at all the post regarding BCB's poor customer service. There are just as many of those post as there are "how much is it worth" threads on this site.


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
Have to disagree with you, both threads started out about customer service.
BAB would not fix Scott's Bronco it was later turned into the cost of the Bronco.This thread is about customer service from BCB

You may think it's about customer service, but to me and others there was no bad customer service by BCB. True, Brian didn't get the service he expected or wanted, but that does not indicate it was bad. This thread is a testament in Brian's own words about how he reacted disproportionately to what he perceived as bad customer service, and now we learn that he made threats on the phone during his "polite" conversation.
He cancelled his own transaction for gosh sake, during the window of time Chuck's website advertises. How can he find fault with anyone but himself?
I suspect he's "that guy" who the rules don't apply to but is always around, going off in line at the movies, or restaurant, or gas station or in traffic, who doesn't have time for the system to work for him the same way it does for everyone else.
You call it bad service, I call him a bad customer, and also everything that goes along with it including owning his little temper tantrum in this thread.

But if Chuck had cheated him out of something, anything, i'd be on the other side of this as I am on the BAB story.
So no, i have no sympathy for Brian, he's wrong and BCB is right on this one.


New Member
Jun 26, 2011
RTP area, NC
I will never do business with BCB again. I am a Bronco builder on a budget like most people. I shopped around on price and whichever supplier (Jeff's, Wildhorses, Tom's etc) had the best price.....then that was who I ordered from. I placed a $350 order of misc engine parts that I needed. They shipped it to me in a timely manner. What irritated me, was when I got my credit card bill. BCB didn't tell me that they were going to charge me $25 to ship ONE pertronix distributor (since they keep it in stock and it had to shipped directly from the manufacturer). The same thing happened with the oil pan, $25 to ship from the manufacturer. Then I had to pay $25 to ship the items they did have in stock. So when it was all said and done I ended up paying $75 for shipping of small parts (nothing bulky) that amounted to less than 40lbs total weight. My complaint is that they should of told me that they were going to charge me the extra $50 for shipping the oil pan & distributor directly from the manufacturer. If I had known this in advance, then I would of ordered it from someone else!!! The funny thing is that they also shipped me a wrong part. I will not even start with the fiasco that was. So the moral of the story...is that I feel bad bashing a fellow Bronco supplier because I truely believe in trying to keep it in the family. But BCB will never see another penny from me.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2007
There are those customers that it's just best not to do business with.... And there are businesses that are best not to do business with.
I have done business with This company and they screwed up my order once. After getting them to admit they were wrong--hard to do. they sent me the correct part without anymore delay. I have used hem since without difficulty. It's people that speek out like this that a company might listen and improve/grow. Otherwise they will be outa buiz.


Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005

ive been reading this thread since it started. seems there was a awful lot of stuff went down in the 1st 24hrs right after placing the order....which from the sounds of(was all happening in your head) not actually talking with a BCB personnel. and once ya finally got some one on the phone(and it didnt get cut off,dropped ,or hung up) you were completely ready to fire off!

...and you arent even out a dayum thing!!!!

i work my ass off for everything i ever wanna do, and i spend my money as best i can. and believe me...i shop around for what i consider the best deal(ie. shipping,quality,price,and the time i think it might take to make that product)

but, by no means do i think i should make someone kiss my ass or walk a certain way just to earn my dollar.(you didnt buy anything-MOVE THE FAWK ON)

Pokey...i didnt get any knee pads. but you sound more and more like one of those guys that s gonna post in every thread...until you have proved to the world...BCB service/products suck-RTFO!

all because you got something(someone else formed/stamped) and was shipped right out. like chuck was gonna test fit 50+ panels. besides....HE TOLD YA TO SEND THEM BACK FOR A REFUND. but you being a another person that demands so much more than everyone else, wants the return shipping too.(welcome to Fawksville...population:YOU)

im done...just tired of ppl demanding so freaking much sometimes. im sure pokey's gonna come back on this. im sure ill get another PM from him...i dont care.

and to all those with nothing to add other than ur chucky cheese and chuck norris crap....REALLY??? sometimes...it just looks stupid and out of place.


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Oh my, chucky cheese, chuck norris, and now blazin chuck, I'm tempted but wont ;D


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
I will never do business with BCB again. I am a Bronco builder on a budget like most people. I shopped around on price and whichever supplier (Jeff's, Wildhorses, Tom's etc) had the best price.....then that was who I ordered from. I placed a $350 order of misc engine parts that I needed. They shipped it to me in a timely manner. What irritated me, was when I got my credit card bill. BCB didn't tell me that they were going to charge me $25 to ship ONE pertronix distributor (since they keep it in stock and it had to shipped directly from the manufacturer). The same thing happened with the oil pan, $25 to ship from the manufacturer. Then I had to pay $25 to ship the items they did have in stock. So when it was all said and done I ended up paying $75 for shipping of small parts (nothing bulky) that amounted to less than 40lbs total weight. My complaint is that they should of told me that they were going to charge me the extra $50 for shipping the oil pan & distributor directly from the manufacturer. If I had known this in advance, then I would of ordered it from someone else!!! The funny thing is that they also shipped me a wrong part. I will not even start with the fiasco that was. So the moral of the story...is that I feel bad bashing a fellow Bronco supplier because I truely believe in trying to keep it in the family. But BCB will never see another penny from me.
I don't know the particulars of your sell but I do know that your Pan and dist. ship in their own box so the only extra charge you may have paid is if it cost more to ship it to you from the manuf. than it would have cost coming directly from me. If you call the sales people they can check it for you and if it is more I will refund you the diff. We drop ship when we are out of some things, when the vender will allow it so people don't have to wait. We do not make money on shipping so you can also check by going to UPS.com and putting in my zip 78025 and your zip and the weight and size of the box. And although it says on my site that some parts are drop shipped the sales people should have called you or e-mailed you about it. I will talk to them tomorrow. And no I am not sucking up to you as I try to sell the best parts not the cheapest. Sometimes the best is also the cheapest but not often.


Bronco Guru
May 27, 2009
Kaneohe Bay, Oahu
Just look at all the post regarding BCB's poor customer service. There are just as many of those post as there are "how much is it worth" threads on this site.

No matter how you slice the cake this is the undeniable fact. Having run my own small business prior to leaving for the Marine Corps & taking an active part in my parents small business I can say that defending said business is every entrepreneur's right. However,,, you'll find that a well run and respected business will not need to defend itself because of the sheer lack of negativity posed towards it. In all the time I've been a member of this board I cannot recall a single thread where Jim Creel, Tom (from TBP) or James Duff has come on here and had to defend their ways of doing business or needed to refute ANY comments about bad customer service. I HAVE seen extremely quick action on their part (the big 3 above) in correcting problems with customers & witnessed a good outcome in all cases (once again, that I've seen). I will say that I've also seen and heard of horrible customer service from JBG. They seem to be so big that they don't give a rat's ass and never post or reply to any wrongdoing they've done to their clientel. This has worked to their benefit as you don't see them get drug through the mud as much as the threads pretty much just die out with the vendor's side never being presented. Like I said though, they're a big company and have products that span alot farther than just our EBs so what do they care if they lose a few of us "small timers"...

I will also say that everyone at BCB has always treated me right whenever I've called. My orders were processed correctly and in a timely fashion. I do believe that they very well may be great people BUT... judging by the number of people that have had horrible transactions with them whether it be the product quality and/ or customer service I can't help but come to the conclusion that a RELIABLE and CONSISTENT business they are not. This being my conclusion I can only feel that my days are numbered and it's probably only a matter of time before I, the customer, am wronged in someway and will either lose time, money or both in doing business with them. I already have, and will continue to take my business elsewhere in order to avoid what I percieve as an inevitability. I don't do any business with JBG for this exact same reason.

There have been many posts in this thread bringing personalities into the argument when it was simply a business transaction. Maybe a bad one but the fact is, a business transaction nonetheless. Brian has every right to come on here and share his experience with said transaction so the rest of us (customers) may make informed decisions based on others perceptions and experiences. When doing business on Ebay or Amazon I read the vendor ratings and make an informed decision as to whether I want to pay an extra $5 to do business with someone that has a 100% rating or roll the bones on someone that is sportin' an 84%. I'm the type that will spend the extra $5 everyday allday based on others experiences.

Let's all put our big boy britches back on and hit the trail!
Wheel on people, wheel on...


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2007
Pokey...i didnt get any knee pads. but you sound more and more like one of those guys that s gonna post in every thread...until you have proved to the world...BCB service/products suck-RTFO!

all because you got something(someone else formed/stamped) and was shipped right out. like chuck was gonna test fit 50+ panels. besides....HE TOLD YA TO SEND THEM BACK FOR A REFUND. but you being a another person that demands so much more than everyone else, wants the return shipping too.(welcome to Fawksville...population:YOU)

First off, Bleach, go drink a cup.

That whole guard deal is a whole other argument. Was he suppose to check all 50? No, Just one. He could not even do that. He said he test fitted them but he has no pics to prove it. All the pics of the 3rd gen are crap. anyone who thinks they fit are drinking Chucks cool aid.

As for the refund, I was NOT going to pay shipping to get them back to him. he screwed up and Im not paying for it. Enough with that crap. Theres a thread for that. obviously you've read it, yet you seem to have an ego to bring it in here.

Instead of typing with your key board, go back to using it as a drool catcher for your idiotic self.
how bout you go kick rocks. put an egg in your shoe and beat it. Take a long walk off a short bridge. And dont forget that bleach.


Bronco Guru
Apr 24, 2008
Yikes - the internet is serious business. People take shipping seriously - just look what happened to Ballistic Fab.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
to me it's a case of getting on this public forum and ranting and whining about poor customer service way before he provided Chuck and his crew a chance to correct it. if you are a victim of bad service take a few minutes to cool off and then get on the phone and call the business's boss and tell him what happened and allow him an opportunity to fix it. that wasn't done and what was done was wrong.

and I'd bet that the folks on here who complained about poor service like the guy who said BCB was bad,bad,bad have never run a small business. probably mostly government workers or people working for a boss who allows employee complaining and whining as a part of normal business operations.


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
Not sure if this is plus or minus for me. I have been a EB vendor for 16 years so if I only had 1 mad customer per year I would have 16 now. But with you being in HI ( difficult place to ship to) and expecting me to cause you to be wronged but I have not yet sounds like a plus but your not buying from me because I might wrong you? I can't fix that. About the other vender's, I hear complaints about all of them on a reg. bases from unhappy customers, even JC had people that disagreed with him. Maybe the reason I get the most complaints here if I do is that I am the only one that comes here and defends himself when wronged? Or maybe they feel they know everything already and don't need the input or CB is not worth their time? Or maybe a lot of other reasons but the one it is not is they don't have complaints. In defense of all venders we are at the mercy of our suppliers for example the 3 sided windshield gasket, that was from DC, all the vendors buy from DC so anyone could have gotten it and no one would have taken it out of the package. FOB dates like my dash being delayed for mos. because of a minor change. So was the ICON dash for the same reason. There is a lot of things that come up like that that is beyond our control. That said I am not trying to say we don't make mistakes, those I try to fix for that customer and future customers.
No matter how you slice the cake this is the undeniable fact. Having run my own small business prior to leaving for the Marine Corps & taking an active part in my parents small business I can say that defending said business is every entrepreneur's right. However,,, you'll find that a well run and respected business will not need to defend itself because of the sheer lack of negativity posed toward it. In all the time I've been a member of this board I cannot recall a single thread where Jim Creel, Tom (from TBP) or James Duff has come on here and had to defend their ways of doing business or needed to refute ANY comments about bad customer service. I HAVE seen extremely quick action on their part (the big 3 above) in correcting problems with customers & witnessed a good outcome in all cases (once again, that I've seen). I will say that I've also seen and heard of horrible customer service from JBG. They seem to be so big that they don't give a rat's ass and never post or reply to any wrongdoing they've done to their clientel. This has worked to their benefit as you don't see them get drug through the mud as much as the threads pretty much just die out with the vendor's side never being presented. Like I said though, they're a big company and have products that span alot farther than just our EBs so what do they care if they lose a few of us "small timers"...

I will also say that everyone at BCB has always treated me right whenever I've called. My orders were processed correctly and in a timely fashion. I do believe that they very well may be great people BUT... judging by the number of people that have had horrible transactions with them whether it be the product quality and/ or customer service I can't help but come to the conclusion that a RELIABLE and CONSISTENT business they are not. This being my conclusion I can only feel that my days are numbered and it's probably only a matter of time before I, the customer, am wronged in someway and will either lose time, money or both in doing business with them. I already have, and will continue to take my business elsewhere in order to avoid what I percieve as an inevitability. I don't do any business with JBG for this exact same reason.

There have been many posts in this thread bringing personalities into the argument when it was simply a business transaction. Maybe a bad one but the fact is, a business transaction nonetheless. Brian has every right to come on here and share his experience with said transaction so the rest of us (customers) may make informed decisions based on others perceptions and experiences. When doing business on Ebay or Amazon I read the vendor ratings and make an informed decision as to whether I want to pay an extra $5 to do business with someone that has a 100% rating or roll the bones on someone that is sportin' an 84%. I'm the type that will spend the extra $5 everyday allday based on others experiences.

Let's all put our big boy britches back on and hit the trail!
Wheel on people, wheel on...
Last edited:


Mar 8, 2007
I think we can all agree to disagree on certain things.

the one thing that we can agree on, most Vendors "including Chuck" will do what they can to keep the customer happy and ordering from them again.


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
figured I should get in on this one and PC+1. I've not had any problems with BC, but I'm generally too cheap to order from them. It does suck for us east coast guys that shipping puts such a damper on ordering from the vendors.
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