I decided to back-burner the grill for a bit and continue messin' with the dash and wipers and defrost ducts and yada, yada, yada. Dad-gum defroster ducts don't get along with my dash and gauge design, Hecky-darn! More pondering and cut-and-paste-and-duct tape "customizing"(read "time suck"). The wiper mod actually seems to be working out pretty cool with a few small-ish adjustments to make and fab. Pics show where the defrost ducts invade the hoped for gauge locations. Maybe the old ad slogan was true; maybe Ford did have a better idea, at least better than mine. Btw, the photo editing software in my laptop is kinda fun! Could be another big time suck if I'm not careful...….. 'Nuther btw, I'm pondering a more horizontal emphasis for the grill. Hmmm..... Howard in beautiful west Michigan