I just looked through the harness that Garry sent back to me. His harness does have connectors for the gauges, so I can remove this connector as well as the wires associated with it on the interior side of the firewall, correct?
This is all in the new harness too, I believe. So I should be able to remove these wires as well?
Thanks for the info!
Will 96 intake/ MAF stuff work with 98 engine/ECM. I apologize for such a generic question but EFI is Greek to me, Leaning as going along.
904 Bronco helped me out with the part number for a reverse operated heater control valve and hoses. Sorry, I don't have that info with me here, but I had to do that and had to get creative with one of the heater box control lines. Had to mount one of the lines to the Explorer PCM box.
EFIGuy gave me a tip about using Dodge Neon coil packs instead of the stock Exploder ones that limit you to using the stock Exploder wires. With the Neon packs you can make your own cut to length wires. However, you will need to make a bracket to mount the Neon coil packs. (pics attached)
Good luck with your build! Cheers, B2
The nut clips I'd planned to use to mount the PCM didn't work out, so I borrowed a tool from a friend and installed some 1/4"-20 nutserts.
PB Blaster may be okay as a general purpose penetrating oil, but when it is really stuck Kano Labs Kroil or Aerokroil is the stuff.
Use Kroil oil by applying it morning and evening for a day or two and give it a try.
Have you heated the trans aluminum only with a propane torch, then try turning the bolt. Aluminum expands well and it may expand off the bolt.
Obviously dont use a cutting torch and blow a hole through the trans or get it so hot it melts seals.
Kroil oil would be last shot, then use it as a dowel is what would do. But I am less anal than some on here.