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Duffs sold?


Bronco Guru
May 6, 2004
Los Angeles
bmc69 said:
We are incredibly lucky to have so many good people eak out a living supporting a truck and hobby that is based on something that;s been out of production almost 30 years now.
My Bronco turned 40 this year;D ;D ;D

Oh and I agree thumping doesn't matter, quality of parts do!!!


Bronco Guru
Nov 1, 2001
All I know is that each year I have met some of our vendors at Paragon, and have yet to meet one that wasn't glad to talk and answer questions. I have never had one push thier product for a sale either.

Well except for Harry, he did push a motor off on me ;D


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
iwlbcnu said:
All I know is that each year I have met some of our vendors at Paragon, and have yet to meet one that wasn't glad to talk and answer questions. I have never had one push thier product for a sale either.

Well except for Harry, he did push a motor off on me ;D

That was downright impolite, I would say. But you have to suffer in silence now, pal, 'cuz I and quite a few others DID volunteer to move that lump out of yr way.;D :p


heratic car camper
Jan 30, 2005
Upper SoKA
bmc69 said:
x2....one hundred times. ntsqd..have you even met Suzy and James? (I already know the answer is no)
As was pointed out, you are so very, very, very wrong. Not once, but on multiple occasions you're wrong.

I proudly display a "Duff Tuff" sticker on my rig. And a Wild Horses 'big' sticker that Jim Creel gave me..and a Complete Offroad banner that Mike Kirkus gave me..And Chuck's BC Broncos logo..are you getting this???
Getting what, that your rig is a rolling billboard for every vendor you've ever done business with? Sure, I get that. Not my style, but to each his own.

We are incredibly lucky to have so many good people eak out a living supporting a truck and hobby that is based on something that;s been out of production almost 30 years now.
Yes, we are. My concern is that it stay that way.
And you want to act like yr shopping at a Cali botique. Go away.
Nope, I'm going to stay here and be the occasional PITA that I've always been. You look at my Jan '05 join date and are deceived by that. Not sure what happened to my first account, but it would have started about late '96 to mid '97 I just don't post here all that often.
It's "boutique" btw.

AND fwiw I was NOT calling any of the Duff's a "loud mouthed, bible-thumping buttmunch." Something which so many here have clearly missed.


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
ntsqd said:
Nope, I'm going to stay here and be the occasional PITA that I've always been. You look at my Jan '05 join date and are deceived by that. Not sure what happened to my first account, but it would have started about late '96 to mid '97 I just don't post here all that often.
It's "boutique" btw.
I think that's because of the new forum change. I haven't never heard of bmc being wrong on many,many occasions. but I will let him defend himself.
Boy did this get way off track%)

Dark Star

New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Central USA
ntsqd said:
Nope, I'm going to stay here and be the occasional PITA that I've always been. You look at my Jan '05 join date and are deceived by that. Not sure what happened to my first account, but it would have started about late '96 to mid '97 I just don't post here all that often.
It's "boutique" btw.

AND fwiw I was NOT calling any of the Duff's a "loud mouthed, bible-thumping buttmunch." Something which so many here have clearly missed.

I didn't miss it, but hey, I'm a self-centered %) , egotistical :cool: , pompous ;D mechanical engineer atheist too. Nice to see you back!!!!!


Sr. Member
Nov 18, 2004
ntsqd said:
Nope, I'm going to stay here and be the occasional PITA that I've always been. You look at my Jan '05 join date and are deceived by that. Not sure what happened to my first account, but it would have started about late '96 to mid '97 I just don't post here all that often.
It's "boutique" btw.

AND fwiw I was NOT calling any of the Duff's a "loud mouthed, bible-thumping buttmunch." Something which so many here have clearly missed.

I don't think anyone missed it.

The quote "loud mouthed, bible-thumping buttmunch." in it self that is really the only thing people have a big problem with. Especially on a site with a great deal of church goers.
Last edited:


heratic car camper
Jan 30, 2005
Upper SoKA
SaddleUp said:
If your going to try to BS us you at least need to make sure what you say is even possible.

I'm not trying to BS anyone. I honestly thot that was about when I first joined as that is when I first got my EB.
My first user name, contrary to some useless & defamatory speculation, was the same. I made perhaps 1/2 dozen posts and then it vanished as if by magic. At the time the Admin couldn't figure out what happened to it so I re-joined and the system allowed me to use this user name. Which I found to be completely odd, but bbs software is far from my area of breadth & depth of knowledge.

There's a BIG difference btwn a "bible-thumper" and a Church goer. I used the term as a characterization of a particular personality type and y'all have taken it personal.
OK, so not many missed it, but it's obvious no one got it.

bmc is not my sidekick and could not possibly know whom I've met & whom I have not. He or she (I don't know the poster either) made a bad assumption based on what I can only guess is knowledge limited to this particular domain and was sorely off the mark.

If it's useless then why does it need to be locked?

Now then, back on topic. Duff's has made a statement about this. I find it very ambiguous. It doesn't really answer the question, but is full of smooth sounding words. OK, as the business owner that's their perogative.


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Let's keep this on topic please. The question to James Duff Ent. has been asked and answered.
