Killer Frogs
Jr. Member
I have a '73 Bronco that I did an engine swap on. The donor engine is junkyard 5.0 from a 2000 Ford Explorer. I removed and cleaned the heads and installed all new gaskets. I am using a high and low pressure fuel pump with an accumulator for the fuel pressure return line. The high pressure pump is 40PSI. Since the Explorer's fuel rail did not have a return line I used one from a 87-93 Mustang. I had the wire harness modified and the ECU reprogrammed to take out the emissions and other things not needed, thank you EFI Guy! The transmission is a 5 speed NV3550.
The engine ran fine for probably about 10 miles. The first 3 miles was to an exhaust shop to put in the exhaust, straight headers were LOUD! I'm not sure what happened, but it quickly developed a backfire. At idle it does not backfire, but does at about 30-40 mph. I have a basic Harbor Freight code reader and it was giving me a code that I can't remember. But it was something with the coil and #1 cylinder. I swapped the coil thinking the code would move to the other side, but the code stopped coming up, but it didn't fix the backfire.
In addition to the backfire, the engine runs rough. I had one mechanic think it was because the air filter was getting too much air from the cooling fan where the MAF could not keep up with the extra air coming from the fan. I added the license plate to block the air, but that didn't help.
The only thing that has helped was checking the fuel injectors. One was clogged and I was able to clean it out. It reduced the frequency of the backfire, but did not fix it.
No vacuum leaks.
I'm wondering about fuel pressure. There is not a fitting on the rail to hook up a pressure gauge. I did replace the fuel pressure sensor. Pics are included, any suggestions?
The engine ran fine for probably about 10 miles. The first 3 miles was to an exhaust shop to put in the exhaust, straight headers were LOUD! I'm not sure what happened, but it quickly developed a backfire. At idle it does not backfire, but does at about 30-40 mph. I have a basic Harbor Freight code reader and it was giving me a code that I can't remember. But it was something with the coil and #1 cylinder. I swapped the coil thinking the code would move to the other side, but the code stopped coming up, but it didn't fix the backfire.
In addition to the backfire, the engine runs rough. I had one mechanic think it was because the air filter was getting too much air from the cooling fan where the MAF could not keep up with the extra air coming from the fan. I added the license plate to block the air, but that didn't help.
The only thing that has helped was checking the fuel injectors. One was clogged and I was able to clean it out. It reduced the frequency of the backfire, but did not fix it.
No vacuum leaks.
I'm wondering about fuel pressure. There is not a fitting on the rail to hook up a pressure gauge. I did replace the fuel pressure sensor. Pics are included, any suggestions?