while it might not be his problem, injectors being clogged or stuck is not the only problem you can have with fuel with good pressure. If your ECT goes bad, the computer reads that as something crazy like -40* and dumps a shit-ton of fuel in there and floods out. You should be flooding anyway if it IS squirting fuel and not starting with all that cranking.
So ... spraying the starting fluid in there tested to see if you have a LACK of fuel problem... now try this to see if you might have a OVER fuel problem:
Crank on it a couple times with no pedal..if it is flooding.. let it flood.. then crank on it with the pedal floored (EEC wont squirt fuel WOT when not running by design)... see if it catches at all by burning the fuel previously flooded but not adding more (if that makes sense)
Not saying this is your problem, but it is one more easy thing to check before pulling your injectors and trying to clean them based on a youtube video.... and since it didnt start when squirting fluid in directly, that probably wouldnt get it started anyway.